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Analysis of pedestrian-vehicle crashes in Korea: Focused on developing probabilistic pedestrian fatality model
C Oh, Y Kang, B Kim, W Kim
Proceedings: International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of …, 2005
Analysis of pedestrian-vehicle crashes in Korea
C Oh, Y Kang, B Kim, W Kim
84th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, 2005
Assessing Traffic Safety Benefits of Technical Regulation for Pedestrian Leg
C Oh, BI Kim, YS Kang, MK Shin
Transactions of the Korean Society of Automotive Engineers 15 (4), 1-9, 2007
Methodology for Optimizing Parameters of Vehicle Safety Regulation on Pedestrian Protection
C Oh, BI Kim, YS Kang, YH Youn
Transactions of the Korean Society of Automotive Engineers 14 (5), 186-194, 2006
Development of Pedestrian Fatality Model using Bayesian-Based Neural Network
YS Gang, BI Kim
Journal of Korean Society of Transportation 24 (2), 139-145, 2006
Assessing the Safety Benefit of an Advanced Vehicular Technology for Protecting Pedestrian (Focused on Active Hood Lift System (AHLS))
YS Gang, BI Kim, WG Kim
Journal of Korean Society of Transportation 24 (3), 95-102, 2006
Estimation of Fatality Reduction by Introducing Technical Regulation on Pedestrian Protection
C Oh, YS Kang, WK Kim, BI Kim
Journal of Korean Society of Transportation 23 (3), 49-57, 2005
Dynamic Path Finding System using Travel Time Prediction
YS Gang, BC Jo, BI Kim
한국 ITS 학회: 학술대회논문집, 154-162, 2004
보행자보호를 위한 다리기준의 교통안전 효과평가
오철, 김범일, 강연수, 신문균
한국자동차공학회논문집 15 (4), 1-9, 2007
National Research and Development Plan for Transportation Technology (2014-2018)
YS Gang, BI Kim, GM Jeong
Transportation Technology and Policy 11 (1), 46-53, 2014
A study on the priority determination using the AHP method in ATMS
B Kim, Y Kang, K Chung
20th ITS World CongressITS Japan, 2013
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