Jeffrey M. DeVries
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Correlation between attitudes, concerns, self‐efficacy and teaching intentions in inclusive education evidence from German pre‐service teachers using international scales
S Miesera, JM DeVries, J Jungjohann, M Gebhardt
Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs 19 (2), 103-114, 2019
Do learners with special education needs really feel included? Evidence from the Perception of Inclusion Questionnaire and Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire
JM DeVries, S Voß, M Gebhardt
Research in developmental disabilities 83, 28-36, 2018
Representational change and magnitude estimation: Why young children can make more accurate salary comparisons than adults
JE Opfer, JM DeVries
Cognition 108 (3), 843-849, 2008
How does social behavior relate to both grades and achievement scores?
JM DeVries, K Rathmann, M Gebhardt
Frontiers in psychology 9, 857, 2018
An assessment of measurement invariance in the 3-and 5-factor models of the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire: New insights from a longitudinal study
JM DeVries, M Gebhardt, S Voß
Personality and Individual Differences 119, 1-6, 2017
Levumi: A web-based curriculum-based measurement to monitor learning progress in inclusive classrooms
J Jungjohann, JM DeVries, M Gebhardt, A Mühling
Computers Helping People with Special Needs: 16th International Conference …, 2018
Academic self-concept, perceptions of inclusion, special needs and gender: evidence from inclusive classes in Sweden
JM DeVries, M Knickenberg, M Trygger
European Journal of Special Needs Education 37 (3), 511-525, 2022
Subject-Specific Self-Concept and Global Self-Esteem Mediate Risk Factors for Lower Competency in Mathematics and Reading
JM DeVries, C Szardenings, P Doebler, M Gebhardt
Social Sciences 10 (1), 11, 2021
Using theory-based test construction to develop a new curriculum-based measurement for sentence reading comprehension
J Jungjohann, JM DeVries, A Mühling, M Gebhardt
Frontiers in Education 3, 115, 2018
Individualized Assignments, Group Work and Discussions: How They Interact With Class Size, Low Socioeconomic Status, and Second Language Learners
JM DeVries, C Szardenings, P Doebler, M Gebhardt
Frontiers in Education 5, 65, 2020
Measurement Invariance of a Direct Behavior Rating Multi Item Scale across Occasions
M Gebhardt, JM DeVries, J Jungjohann, G Casale, A Gegenfurtner, ...
Social Sciences 8 (2), 46, 2019
Why children make" better" estimates of fractional magnitude than adults
JE Opfer, CA Thompson, JM DeVries
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society 29 (29), 2007
Measuring Oral Reading Fluency (ORF) Computer-Based and Paper-Based: Examining the Mode Effect in Reading Accuracy and Reading Fluency
J Jungjohann, JM DeVries, M Gebhardt
Education Sciences 13 (6), 624, 2023
What applying growth mixture modeling can tell us about predictors of number line estimation
JM DeVries, JT Kuhn, M Gebhardt
Journal of Numerical Cognition 6 (1), 66-82, 2020
Missing numbers progress monitoring test level 5a. A mathematics curriculum-based measurement (CBM) on the online platform www. levumi. de
S Anderson, M Schurig, J DeVries, M Gebhardt
Addressing Environmental and Individual Factors in Early Secondary School: The Roles of Instruction Techniques and Self-Perception
JM DeVries, C Szardenings, P Doebler, M Gebhardt
Education, Competence Development and Career Trajectories, 131, 2023
Student and teacher intellectual humility at a diverse research university: the role of academic, demographic, and behavioral metrics
JM DeVries, GA Orona, R Arum
Studies in Higher Education, 1-18, 2025
Technical Report Test-MI Study
F Lauermann, JM DeVries, DK Benden
Bonner Zentrum für Lehrerbildung (BZL), 2023
ZfM-Levumi. Tests zum Zahlenverständnis zur Lernverlaufsdiagnostik-„Zahlen finden “der Onlineplattform www. levumi. de
JM DeVries, K Buchwald, S Anderson, M Gebhardt
Individualized assignments, group work and discussions
JM DeVries, C Szardenings, P Doebler, M Gebhardt
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