Claudio Castellani
Claudio Castellani
Dipartimento di Fisica, La Sapienza Roma
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Singular quasiparticle scattering in the proximity of charge instabilities
C Castellani, C Di Castro, M Grilli
Physical review letters 75 (25), 4650, 1995
Interaction-driven metal-insulator transitions in disordered fermion systems
C Castellani, C Di Castro, PA Lee, M Ma
Physical Review B 30 (2), 527, 1984
Magnetic structure of in the insulating phase
C Castellani, CR Natoli, J Ranninger
Physical Review B 18 (9), 4945, 1978
Non-Fermi-liquid behavior and d-wave superconductivity near the charge-density-wave quantum critical point
C Castellani, C Di Castro, M Grilli
Zeitschrift für Physik B Condensed Matter 103, 137-144, 1996
Strongly correlated superconductivity
M Capone, M Fabrizio, C Castellani, E Tosatti
Science 296 (5577), 2364-2366, 2002
Multifractal wavefunction at the localisation threshold
C Castellani, L Peliti
Journal of physics A: mathematical and general 19 (8), L429, 1986
Spin fluctuations in disordered interacting electrons
C Castellani, C di Castro, PA Lee, M Ma, S Sorella, E Tabet
Physical Review B 30 (3), 1596, 1984
Colloquium: Modeling the unconventional superconducting properties of expanded fullerides
M Capone, M Fabrizio, C Castellani, E Tosatti
Reviews of Modern Physics 81 (2), 943-958, 2009
Pseudogap and spectral function from superconducting fluctuations to the bosonic limit
A Perali, P Pieri, GC Strinati, C Castellani
Physical Review B 66 (2), 024510, 2002
Fermi systems with strong forward scattering
W Metzner, C Castellani, C Di Castro
Advances in Physics 47 (3), 317-445, 1998
Metallic phase and metal-insulator transition in two-dimensional electronic systems
C Castellani, C Di Castro, PA Lee
Physical Review B 57 (16), R9381, 1998
Dimensional crossover from Fermi to Luttinger liquid
C Castellani, C Di Castro, W Metzner
Physical review letters 72 (3), 316, 1994
Fermi-liquid theory of interacting disordered systems and the scaling theory of the metal-insulator transition
C Castellani, G Kotliar, PA Lee
Physical review letters 59 (3), 323, 1987
Superconductivity, phase separation, and charge-transfer instability in the U=∞ limit of the three-band model of the planes
M Grilli, R Raimondi, C Castellani, C Di Castro, G Kotliar
Physical review letters 67 (2), 259, 1991
d-wave superconductivity near charge instabilities
A Perali, C Castellani, C Di Castro, M Grilli
Physical Review B 54 (22), 16216, 1996
New model Hamiltonian for the metal-insulator transition
C Castellani, C Di Castro, D Feinberg, J Ranninger
Physical Review Letters 43 (26), 1957, 1979
Electron-phonon interactions in the presence of strong correlations
M Grilli, C Castellani
Physical Review B 50 (23), 16880, 1994
Broadening of the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless superconducting transition by inhomogeneity and finite-size effects
L Benfatto, C Castellani, T Giamarchi
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 80 (21), 214506, 2009
Nonlinear optical effects and third-harmonic generation in superconductors: Cooper pairs versus Higgs mode contribution
T Cea, C Castellani, L Benfatto
Physical Review B 93 (18), 180507, 2016
Thermodynamic fluctuations in the high- perovskite superconductors
A Kapitulnik, MR Beasley, C Castellani, C Di Castro
Physical Review B 37 (1), 537, 1988
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