Jeannette Taylor
Jeannette Taylor
Institute for Future Government, Yonsei University
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Investigating the structure and meaning of public service motivation across populations: Developing an international instrument and addressing issues of measurement invariance
S Kim, W Vandenabeele, BE Wright, LB Andersen, FP Cerase, ...
Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 23 (1), 79-102, 2013
Organizational influences, public service motivation and work outcomes: An Australian study
J Taylor
International Public Management Journal 11 (1), 67-88, 2008
The impact of public service motives on work outcomes in Australia: a comparative multi‐dimensional analysis
J Taylor
Public administration 85 (4), 931-959, 2007
International differences in job satisfaction: The effects of public service motivation, rewards and work relations
JH Westover, J Taylor
International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management 59 (8), 811-828, 2010
Job satisfaction in the public service: The effects of public service motivation, workplace attributes and work relations
J Taylor, JH Westover
Public Management Review 13 (5), 731-751, 2011
Strengthening the link between performance measurement and decision making
J Taylor
Public Administration 87 (4), 853-871, 2009
Public service motivation, relational job design, and job satisfaction in local government
J Taylor
Public Administration 92 (4), 902-918, 2014
Public service motivation, civic attitudes and actions of public, nonprofit and private sector employees
J Taylor
Public administration 88 (4), 1083-1098, 2010
Goal setting in the Australian public service: Effects on psychological empowerment and organizational citizenship behavior
J Taylor
Public Administration Review 73 (3), 453-464, 2013
Factors influencing the use of performance information for decision making in Australian state agencies
J Taylor
Public administration 89 (4), 1316-1334, 2011
The impact of performance indicators on the work of university academics: evidence from Australian universities
J Taylor
Higher education quarterly 55 (1), 42-61, 2001
Organizational culture and the paradox of performance management
J Taylor
Public performance & management Review 38 (1), 7-22, 2014
Working hard for more money or working hard to make a difference? Efficiency wages, public service motivation, and effort
J Taylor, R Taylor
Review of Public Personnel Administration 31 (1), 67-86, 2011
Internal whistle‐blowing in the public service: A matter of trust
J Taylor
Public Administration Review 78 (5), 717-726, 2018
Improving performance indicators in higher education: The academics' perspective
J Taylor
Journal of Further and Higher Education 25 (3), 379-393, 2001
The usefulness of key performance indicators to public accountability authorities in East Asia
J Taylor
Public Administration and Development: The International Journal of …, 2007
The next generation of workers in Australia: Their views on organizations, work and rewards
J Taylor
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 16 (10), 1919-1933, 2005
Performance Indicators in Academia: An X-Efficiency Approach?
J Taylor, R Taylor
Australian Journal of Public Administration 62 (2), 71-82, 2003
Recruiting university graduates for the public sector: An Australian case study
J Taylor
International Journal of Public Sector Management 18 (6), 514-533, 2005
Efficiency by performance indicators? Evidence from Australian higher education
J Taylor
Tertiary Education and Management 7 (1), 41-55, 2001
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