URIEL and lang2vec: Representing languages as typological, geographical, and phylogenetic vectors P Littell, DR Mortensen, K Lin, K Kairis, C Turner, L Levin Proceedings of the 15th Conference of the European Chapter of the …, 2017 | 259 | 2017 |
JANUS-III: Speech-to-speech translation in multiple languages A Lavie, A Waibel, L Levin, M Finke, D Gates, M Gavalda, T Zeppenfeld, ... 1997 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal …, 1997 | 175 | 1997 |
Sluicing: A lexical interpretation procedure L Levin The mental representation of grammatical relations, 590-654, 1982 | 154 | 1982 |
Panphon: A resource for mapping IPA segments to articulatory feature vectors DR Mortensen, P Littell, A Bharadwaj, K Goyal, C Dyer, L Levin Proceedings of COLING 2016, the 26th International Conference on …, 2016 | 152 | 2016 |
The NESPOLE! speech-to-speech translation system F Metze, J McDonough, H Soltau, A Waibel, A Lavie, S Burger, C Langley, ... Proceedings of the second international conference on Human Language …, 2002 | 112* | 2002 |
Committed belief annotation and tagging M Diab, L Levin, T Mitamura, O Rambow, V Prabhakaran, W Guo Proceedings of the Third Linguistic Annotation Workshop (LAW III), 68-73, 2009 | 111 | 2009 |
The BECauSE corpus 2.0: Annotating causality and overlapping relations J Dunietz, L Levin, JG Carbonell Proceedings of the 11th linguistic annotation workshop, 95-104, 2017 | 95 | 2017 |
Unsupervised POS induction with word embeddings CC Lin, W Ammar, C Dyer, L Levin arXiv preprint arXiv:1503.06760, 2015 | 93 | 2015 |
An interlingua based on domain actions for machine translation of task-oriented dialogues. LS Levin, D Gates, A Lavie, A Waibel ICSLP 98, 1155-1158, 1998 | 89 | 1998 |
Speechalator: two-way speech-to-speech translation on a consumer PDA. A Waibel, A Badran, AW Black, RE Frederking, D Gates, A Lavie, LS Levin, ... INTERSPEECH, 2003 | 88* | 2003 |
MT for minority languages using elicitation-based learning of syntactic transfer rules K Probst, L Levin, E Peterson, A Lavie, J Carbonell Machine Translation 17, 245-270, 2002 | 84 | 2002 |
The Janus-III translation system: speech-to-speech translation in multiple domains L Levin, A Lavie, M Woszczyna, D Gates, M Gavalda, D Koll, A Waibel Machine translation 15, 3-25, 2000 | 80 | 2000 |
Discourse processing of dialogues with multiple threads CP Rosé, B Di Eugenio, LS Levin, V Ess-Dykema arXiv preprint cmp-lg/9504025, 1995 | 80 | 1995 |
Modality and negation in SIMT use of modality and negation in semantically-informed syntactic MT K Baker, M Bloodgood, BJ Dorr, C Callison-Burch, NW Filardo, C Piatko, ... Computational Linguistics 38 (2), 411-438, 2012 | 75 | 2012 |
Papers in lexical-functional grammar L Levin, M Rappaport, AE Zaenen (No Title), 1983 | 74 | 1983 |
A Modality Lexicon and its use in Automatic Tagging. K Baker, M Bloodgood, BJ Dorr, NW Filardo, LS Levin, CD Piatko LREC, 2010 | 73* | 2010 |
Polyglot neural language models: A case study in cross-lingual phonetic representation learning Y Tsvetkov, S Sitaram, M Faruqui, G Lample, P Littell, D Mortensen, ... arXiv preprint arXiv:1605.03832, 2016 | 71 | 2016 |
Adapting word embeddings to new languages with morphological and phonological subword representations A Chaudhary, C Zhou, L Levin, G Neubig, DR Mortensen, JG Carbonell arXiv preprint arXiv:1808.09500, 2018 | 65 | 2018 |
Domain specific speech acts for spoken language translation L Levin, C Langley, A Lavie, D Gates, D Wallace, K Peterson Proceedings of the Fourth SIGdial Workshop of Discourse and Dialogue, 208-217, 2003 | 64 | 2003 |
Syntax-driven and ontology-driven lexical semantics S Nirenburg, L Levin Workshop of SIGLEX (Special Interest Group within ACL on the Lexicon), 5-20, 1991 | 64 | 1991 |