M.C Bartolome - Camacho
M.C Bartolome - Camacho
Facultad de Quìmico FarmacobiologíaUMSNH profesor investigador titular
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Polifenoles: propiedades antioxidantes y toxicológicas
E Valencia-Avilés, I Ignacio-Figueroa, E Sosa-Martínez, ...
Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias Químicas, 15-29, 2017
Quantification of Phenolic Compounds and In Vitro Radical Scavenging Abilities with Leaf Extracts from Two Varieties of Psidium guajava L.
JC Camarena-Tello, HE Martínez-Flores, MG Garnica-Romo, ...
Antioxidants 7 (3), 34, 2018
Bioadsorption and bioaccumulation of chromium trivalent in Cr (III)-tolerant microalgae: a mechanisms for chromium resistance
M Pereira, MC Bartolomé, S Sánchez-Fortún
Chemosphere 93 (6), 1057-1063, 2013
Repercussions of salinity changes and osmotic stress in marine phytoplankton species
A D'ors, MC Bartolomé, S Sánchez-Fortún
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 175, 169-175, 2016
Toxic effects and specific chromium acquired resistance in selected strains of Dyctiosphaerium chlorelloides
A D’ors, M Pereira, MC Bartolomé, V López-Rodas, E Costas, ...
Chemosphere 81 (2), 282-287, 2010
Peracetic acid disinfectant efficacy against Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms on polystyrene surfaces and comparison between methods to measure it
MC Martín-Espada, A D'ors, MC Bartolomé, M Pereira, S Sánchez-Fortún
LWT-Food Science and Technology 56 (1), 58-61, 2014
Small molecules under development for psoriasis: on the road to the individualized therapies
CD Claudia, VH María-Elena, VE Josué, BC María-Carmen, ...
Archives of Dermatological Research 312 (9), 611-627, 2020
Toxic effects induced by salt stress on selected freshwater prokaryotic and eukaryotic microalgal species
MC Bartolomé, A D’ors, S Sánchez-Fortún
Ecotoxicology 18, 174-179, 2009
Polyphenols: Antioxidant and toxicological properties
E Valencia-Avilés, I Ignacio-Figueroa, E Sosa-Martínez, ...
Rev. la Fac. Ciencias Químicas 16, 15-29, 2017
Effects of pH on the growth rate exhibited of the wild-type and Cd-resistant Dictyosphaerium chlorelloides strains
AA Cortés, S Sánchez-Fortún, M García, MC Bartolomé
Limnetica 37 (2), 229-238, 2018
Nondestructive tests for measuring the firmness of guava fruit stored and treated with methyl jasmonate and calcium chloride
LM Barriga-Téllez, MG Garnica-Romo, JI Aranda-Sánchez, GA Correa, ...
International Journal of Food Science and Technology 46 (6), 1310-1315, 2011
Influence of pH on the survival of Dictyosphaerium chlorelloides populations living in aquatic environments highly contaminated with chromium
M Pereira, MC Bartolomé, S Sánchez-Fortún
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 98, 82-87, 2013
Valoración de la toxicidad aguda de biocidas utilizados en ambientes de la vida privada y la salud pública sobre Artemia franciscana
M Bartolomé-Camacho, RS Sánchez-Fortún
Revista Latinoamericana de Recursos Naturales 3 (1), 90-97, 2007
Effects of selected biocides used in the disinfection of cooling towers on toxicity and bioaccumulation in Artemia larvae
MC Bartolomé, S Sánchez‐Fortún
Environmental toxicology and chemistry 24 (12), 3137-3142, 2005
Toxic risk associated with sporadic occurrences of Microcystis aeruginosa blooms from tidal rivers in marine and estuarine ecosystems and its impact on Artemia franciscana …
A D’ors, MC Bartolomé, S Sánchez-Fortún
Chemosphere 90 (7), 2187-2192, 2013
Acute toxicity and inhibition of phototaxis induced by benzalkonium chloride in Artemia franciscana larvae.
MC Bartolomé, S Sanchez-Fortun
Bulletin of Environmental Contamination & Toxicology 75 (6), 2005
Addition of Opuntia ficus-indica reduces hypothalamic microglial activation and improves metabolic alterations in obese mice exposed to a high-fat diet
MV Urquiza-Martínez, HE Martínez-Flores, O Guzmán-Quevedo, ...
Journal of Food and Nutrition Research 8 (9), 473-483, 2020
Mecanismos de resistencia a metales tóxicos (Cd) bajo variaciones abióticas en microalgas
AAC Téllez, SSF Rodríguez, MCB Camacho
TIP Revista Especializada en Ciencias Químico-Biológicas 21 (1), 40-52, 2017
Morphological and physiological changes exhibited by a Cd-resistant Dictyosphaerium chlorelloides strain and its cadmium removal capacity
MC Bartolomé, AA Cortés, A Sánchez-Fortún, MG Garnica-Romo, ...
International Journal of Phytoremediation 18 (12), 1171-1177, 2016
Updated view of tars for psoriasis: what have we learned over the last decade?
M Ávalos‐Viveros, R Esquivel‐García, M García‐Pérez, E Torres‐García, ...
International Journal of Dermatology 62 (3), 290-301, 2023
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