Fine asymptotic geometry in the Heisenberg group M Duchin, C Mooney
Indiana University Mathematics Journal, 885-916, 2014
23 2014 Statistical hyperbolicity in groups M Duchin, S Lelièvre, C Mooney
Algebraic & Geometric Topology 12 (1), 1-18, 2012
20 2012 Generalizing the Croke–Kleiner construction C Mooney
Topology and its Applications 157 (7), 1168-1181, 2010
19 2010 Examples of non-rigid CAT (0) groups from the category of knot groups C Mooney
Algebraic & Geometric Topology 8 (3), 1667-1690, 2008
17 2008 Generalized factorization in commutative rings with zero-divisors CP Mooney
The University of Iowa, 2013
15 2013 The geometry of spheres in free abelian groups M Duchin, S Lelièvre, C Mooney
Geometriae Dedicata 161 (1), 169-187, 2012
15 2012 Factorization of ideals DD Anderson, JR Juett, CP Mooney
Communications in Algebra 47 (4), 1742-1772, 2019
11 2019 All CAT (0) Boundaries of a Group of the Form HxK are CE Equivalent C Mooney
arXiv preprint arXiv:0707.4316, 2007
10 2007 Module cancellation properties DD Anderson, JR Juett, CP Mooney
Journal of Algebra and Its Applications 17 (08), 1850156, 2018
9 2018 Unique factorization properties in commutative monoid rings with zero divisors JR Juett, CP Mooney, RD Roberts
Semigroup Forum 102, 674-696, 2021
8 2021 Unique factorization of ideals in commutative rings with zero divisors JR Juett, CP Mooney, LW Ndungu
Communications in Algebra 49 (5), 2101-2125, 2021
8 2021 Affine maps between CAT (0) spaces H Bennett, C Mooney, R Spatzier
Geometriae Dedicata 180 (1), 1-16, 2016
8 2016 Notions of unique factorization in commutative rings with zero divisors J Juett, C Mooney
Houston J. Math 47 (1), 1-29, 2021
7 2021 U-factorization of ideals JR Juett, CP Mooney
Communications in Algebra 47 (2), 878-895, 2019
7 2019 Generalized u-factorization in commutative rings with zero-divisors CP Mooney
7 2015 -Regular factorization in commutative rings with zero-divisorsCP Mooney
6 2016 Generalized irreducible divisor graphs CP Mooney
Communications in Algebra 42 (10), 4366-4375, 2014
5 2014 Generalized factorization in ℤ∕ mℤ A Mahlum, CP Mooney
Involve, a Journal of Mathematics 9 (3), 379-393, 2016
4 2016 Boundaries of Croke–Kleiner-admissible groups and equivariant cell-like equivalence CR Guilbault, CP Mooney
Journal of Topology 7 (3), 849-868, 2014
4 2014 -Complete Factorization in Commutative Rings with Zero-DivisorsCP Mooney
arXiv preprint arXiv:1401.0088, 2013
4 2013