Keith Widaman
Keith Widaman
Distinguished Professor of Education, University of California, Riverside
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Sample size in factor analysis.
RC MacCallum, KF Widaman, S Zhang, S Hong
Psychological methods 4 (1), 84, 1999
To parcel or not to parcel: Exploring the question, weighing the merits
TD Little, WA Cunningham, G Shahar, KF Widaman
Structural equation modeling 9 (2), 151-173, 2002
Factor analysis in the development and refinement of clinical assessment instruments.
FJ Floyd, KF Widaman
Psychological assessment 7 (3), 286, 1995
Confirmatory factor analysis and item response theory: two approaches for exploring measurement invariance.
SP Reise, KF Widaman, RH Pugh
Psychological bulletin 114 (3), 552, 1993
Sample size in factor analysis: The role of model error
RC MacCallum, KF Widaman, KJ Preacher, S Hong
Multivariate behavioral research 36 (4), 611-637, 2001
Exploring the measurement invariance of psychological instruments: Applications in the substance use domain.
KF Widaman, SP Reise
American Psychological Association, 1997
Hierarchically nested covariance structure models for multitrait-multimethod data
KF Widaman
Applied Psychological Measurement 9 (1), 1-26, 1985
Life-span development of self-esteem and its effects on important life outcomes.
U Orth, RW Robins, KF Widaman
Journal of personality and social psychology 102 (6), 1271, 2012
Unidimensional versus domain representative parceling of questionnaire items: An empirical example
JM Kishton, KF Widaman
Educational and psychological measurement 54 (3), 757-765, 1994
HIV-related stigma and knowledge in the United States: prevalence and trends, 1991–1999
GM Herek, JP Capitanio, KF Widaman
American journal of public health 92 (3), 371-377, 2002
Factorial invariance within longitudinal structural equation models: Measuring the same construct across time
KF Widaman, E Ferrer, RD Conger
Child development perspectives 4 (1), 10-18, 2010
On the merits of orthogonalizing powered and product terms: Implications for modeling interactions among latent variables
TD Little, JA Bovaird, KF Widaman
Structural equation modeling 13 (4), 497-519, 2006
Multidimensionality and structural coefficient bias in structural equation modeling: A bifactor perspective
SP Reise, R Scheines, KF Widaman, MG Haviland
Educational and psychological measurement 73 (1), 5-26, 2013
Common factor analysis versus principal component analysis: Differential bias in representing model parameters?
KF Widaman
Multivariate behavioral research 28 (3), 263-311, 1993
Linkages between children's social and academic competence: A longitudinal analysis
M Welsh, RD Parke, K Widaman, R O'Neil
Journal of school psychology 39 (6), 463-482, 2001
Best practices in quantitative methods for developmentalists: III. Missing data: What to do with or without them.
KF Widaman
Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development, 2006
Economic stress, parenting, and child adjustment in Mexican American and European American families
RD Parke, S Coltrane, S Duffy, R Buriel, J Dennis, J Powers, S French, ...
Child development 75 (6), 1632-1656, 2004
The effects of study abroad during college on attitudes toward other cultures
JS Carlson, KF Widaman
International journal of intercultural relations 12 (1), 1-17, 1988
Effects of extensive temporal lobe damage or mild hypoxia on recollection and familiarity
AP Yonelinas, NEA Kroll, JR Quamme, MM Lazzara, MJ Sauvé, ...
Nature neuroscience 5 (11), 1236-1241, 2002
On specifying the null model for incremental fit indices in structural equation modeling.
KF Widaman, JS Thompson
Psychological methods 8 (1), 16, 2003
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