Nenad Pavin
Nenad Pavin
Full Professor, Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb
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Cortical dynein controls microtubule dynamics to generate pulling forces that position microtubule asters
L Laan, N Pavin, J Husson, G Romet-Lemonne, M Van Duijn, MP López, ...
Cell 148 (3), 502-514, 2012
Overlap microtubules link sister k-fibres and balance the forces on bi-oriented kinetochores
J Kajtez, A Solomatina, M Novak, B Polak, K Vukušić, J Rüdiger, G Cojoc, ...
Nature communications 7 (1), 10298, 2016
Self-organization of dynein motors generates meiotic nuclear oscillations
SK Vogel, N Pavin, N Maghelli, F Jülicher, IM Tolić-Nørrelykke
PLoS biology 7 (4), e1000087, 2009
Microtubule sliding within the bridging fiber pushes kinetochore fibers apart to segregate chromosomes
K Vukušić, R Buđa, A Bosilj, A Milas, N Pavin, IM Tolić
Developmental cell 43 (1), 11-23. e6, 2017
Self-organization and forces in the mitotic spindle
N Pavin, IM Tolić
Annual review of biophysics 45 (1), 279-298, 2016
Dynein motion switches from diffusive to directed upon cortical anchoring
V Ananthanarayanan, M Schattat, SK Vogel, A Krull, N Pavin, ...
Cell 153 (7), 1526-1536, 2013
Pivoting of microtubules around the spindle pole accelerates kinetochore capture
I Kalinina, A Nandi, P Delivani, MR Chacón, AH Klemm, ...
Nature cell biology 15 (1), 82-87, 2013
The mitotic spindle is chiral due to torques within microtubule bundles
M Novak, B Polak, J Simunić, Z Boban, B Kuzmić, AW Thomae, IM Tolić, ...
Nature communications 9 (1), 3571, 2018
Mechanobiology of the mitotic spindle
N Pavin, IM Tolić
Developmental cell 56 (2), 192-201, 2021
Positioning of microtubule organizing centers by cortical pushing and pulling forces
N Pavin, L Laan, R Ma, M Dogterom, F Jülicher
New Journal of Physics 14 (10), 105025, 2012
Min-protein oscillations in Escherichia coli with spontaneous formation of two-stranded filaments in a three-dimensional stochastic reaction-diffusion model
N Pavin, HČ Paljetak, V Krstić
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 73 (2 …, 2006
CENP-B box and pJα sequence distribution in human alpha satellite higher-order repeats (HOR)
M Rosandić, V Paar, I Basar, M Glunčić, N Pavin, I Pilaš
Chromosome research 14, 735-753, 2006
Bursts in average lifetime of transients for chaotic logistic map with a hole
V Paar, N Pavin
Physical Review E 55 (4), 4112, 1997
Collective behavior of antagonistically acting kinesin-1 motors
C Leduc, N Pavin, F Jülicher, S Diez
Biophysical Journal 98 (3), 431a, 2010
General theory for the mechanics of confined microtubule asters
R Ma, L Laan, M Dogterom, N Pavin, F Jülicher
New Journal of Physics 16 (1), 013018, 2014
Biomechanics of chromosome alignment at the spindle midplane
P Risteski, M Jagrić, N Pavin, IM Tolić
Current Biology 31 (10), R574-R585, 2021
Swinging a sword: how microtubules search for their targets
N Pavin, IM Tolić-Nørrelykke
Systems and synthetic biology 8, 179-186, 2014
Jü licher F, Reck-Peterson SL, Dogterom M. 2012. Cortical dynein controls microtubule dynamics to generate pulling forces that position microtubule asters
L Laan, N Pavin, J Husson, G Romet-Lemonne, M Van Duijn, MP Lopez, ...
Cell 148, 502-514, 0
Chaotic dynamics of the elliptical stadium billiard in the full parameter space
V Lopac, I Mrkonjić, N Pavin, D Radić
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 217 (1), 88-101, 2006
ColorHOR—novel graphical algorithm for fast scan of alpha satellite higher-order repeats and HOR annotation for GenBank sequence of human genome
V Paar, N Pavin, M Rosandić, M Glunčić, I Basar, R Pezer, SD Žinić
Bioinformatics 21 (7), 846-852, 2005
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