Ioannis Krasonikolakis
Ioannis Krasonikolakis
University of Bath
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Store layout effects on consumer behavior in 3D online stores
I Krasonikolakis, A Vrechopoulos, A Pouloudi, S Dimitriadis
European Journal of Marketing 52 (5/6), 1223-1256, 2018
Are incumbent banks bygones in the face of digital transformation?
I Krasonikolakis, M Tsarbopoulos, TY Eng
Journal of General Management 46 (1), 60-69, 2020
Store selection criteria and sales prediction in virtual worlds
I Krasonikolakis, A Vrechopoulos, A Pouloudi
Information & Management 51 (6), 641-652, 2014
A systematic literature review of store atmosphere in alternative retail commerce channels
I Krasonikolakis, D Vrontis
Journal of Business Research 153, 412-427, 2022
Defining, applying and customizing store atmosphere in virtual reality commerce: back to basics?
IG Krasonikolakis, A Vrechopoulos, A Pouloudi
Mobile Opportunities and Applications for E-Service Innovations, 120-133, 2013
Cross‐sector partnerships to address societal grand challenges: Systematizing differences in scholarly analysis
L Stadtler, MM Seitanidi, HH Knight, J Leigh, A Clarke, MJ Le Ber, J Bogie, ...
Journal of Management Studies 61 (7), 3327-3357, 2024
Unlocking the shopping myth: Can smartphone dependency relieve shopping anxiety?–A mixed-methods approach in UK Omnichannel retail
I Krasonikolakis, CHS Chen
Information & Management 60 (5), 103818, 2023
The antecedents of m-banking usage under capital controls in Greece–a mixed methods approach
A Patsiotis, I Krasonikolakis, J Lyu
International Journal of Bank Marketing 40 (7), 1477-1500, 2022
User perceptions of 3D online store designs: an experimental investigation
I Krasonikolakis, A Vrechopoulos, S Dimitriadis, N Pouloudi
Information Systems and e-Business Management 19 (4), 1321-1354, 2021
Uses and gratifications theory in e-commerce: Habit and social presence
I Krasonikolakis
Eurasian Journal of Business and Management 10 (1), 1-18, 2022
3D online environments: Ethical challenges for marketing research
I Krasonikolakis, N Pouloudi
Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 13 (3/4), 218-234, 2015
Designing visual exemplars of 3D online store layout types
I Krasonikolakis, A Vrechopoulos, N Pouloudi, K Goula
Collaborative, Trusted and Privacy-Aware e/m-Services: 12th IFIP WG 6.11 …, 2013
Users' personality traits in the context of virtual reality
IG Krasonikolakis, AP Vrechopoulos, A Pouloudi
2010 International Conference on e-Business (ICE-B), 1-4, 2010
Ssetting The Research Agenda For Store Atmosphere Studies In virtual Reality Retailing: An Interdisciplinary Approach
I Krasonikolakis, V Vrechopoulos
Financial inclusion and poverty alleviation: A critical analysis in Nigeria
CM Omenihu, S Brahma, E Katsikas, D Vrontis, E Siachou, ...
Sustainability 16 (19), 8528, 2024
Bullying in online brand communities-exploring consumers’ intentions to intervene
J Breitsohl, N Jiménez, P Megicks, I Krasonikolakis, S Ramoglou, ...
International Conference on Social Informatics, 436-443, 2022
Retail store design classification in conventional and online (2D and 3D) environments
I Krasonikolakis, A Vrechopoulos, N Pouloudi
Virtual Reality Internet Retailing (VRIR): experimental investigation of interactive shopping interface–store atmosphere effects on user-consumer behavior
I Krasonikolakis, A Vrechopoulos
Virtual Reality Store Atmosphere (VRSA): research challenges and emerging business models
I Krasonikolakis, A Vrechopoulos
An empirical investigation of users’ characteristics in virtual reality retailing
I Krasonikolakis, A Vrechopoulos, D Christoforou
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