Artigos com autorizações de acesso público - Özlem (Ozlem) CizerSaiba mais
Não disponíveis em nenhum local: 11
Pozzolanic reactivity of pure calcined clays
S Hollanders, R Adriaens, J Skibsted, Ö Cizer, J Elsen
Applied Clay Science 132, 552-560, 2016
Autorizações: Danish Council for Strategic Research
A quantitative study of the C3A hydration
S Joseph, J Skibsted, Ö Cizer
Cement and Concrete Research 115, 145-159, 2019
Autorizações: Research Foundation (Flanders)
Impacts of milling duration on construction and demolition waste (CDW) based precursor and resulting geopolymer: Reactivity, geopolymerization and sustainability
J Tan, Ö Cizer, J De Vlieger, H Dan, J Li
Resources, Conservation and Recycling 184, 106433, 2022
Autorizações: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Efflorescence mitigation in construction and demolition waste (CDW) based geopolymer
J Tan, Ö Cizer, B Vandevyvere, J De Vlieger, H Dan, J Li
Journal of Building Engineering 58, 105001, 2022
Autorizações: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Hydraulic behavior of mechanically and chemically activated synthetic merwinite
L Kriskova, Y Pontikes, Ö Cizer, A Malfliet, J Dijkmans, B Sels, ...
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 97 (12), 3973-3981, 2014
Autorizações: Research Foundation (Flanders)
Alkali activation of AOD stainless steel slag under steam curing conditions
M Salman, Ö Cizer, Y Pontikes, R Snellings, J Dijkman, B Sels, ...
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 98 (10), 3062-3074, 2015
Autorizações: Research Foundation (Flanders)
On a new hydraulic binder from stainless steel converter slag
Y Pontikes, L Kriskova, Ö Cizer, PT Jones, B Blanpain
Advances in Cement Research 25 (1), 21-31, 2013
Autorizações: Research Foundation (Flanders)
Plasticising mechanism of sodium gluconate combined with PCE
K Lesage, Ö Cizer, B Desmet, J Vantomme, G De Schutter, L Vandewalle
Advances in Cement Research 27 (3), 163-174, 2015
Autorizações: Research Foundation (Flanders)
Report of RILEM TC 267—TRM: Improvement and robustness study of lime mortar strength test for assessing reactivity of SCMs
A Parashar, A Vollpracht, J Haufe, R Snellings, Y Dhandapani, ...
Materials and Structures 55 (3), 96, 2022
Autorizações: Slovenian Research Agency
Influence of plasticizer type on hydration kinetics of self-compacting concrete
K Lesage, Ö Cizer, L Vandewalle, B Desmet, J Vantomme, G De Schutter
13th ICCC International congress on the Chemistry of Cement, 1-7, 2011
Autorizações: Research Foundation (Flanders)
Influence of sodium gluconate on cement paste viscosity
K Lesage, Ö Cizer, L Vandewalle, B Desmet, J Vantomme, G De Schutter
5th International North American Conference on the Design and Use of Self …, 2013
Autorizações: Research Foundation (Flanders)
Disponíveis em algum local: 28
Advances in alkali-activation of clay minerals
AZ Khalifa, Ö Cizer, Y Pontikes, A Heath, P Patureau, SA Bernal, ...
Cement and Concrete Research 132, 106050, 2020
Autorizações: US National Science Foundation, Research Foundation (Flanders), UK …
Phase and morphology evolution of calcium carbonate precipitated by carbonation of hydrated lime
Ö Cizer, C Rodriguez-Navarro, E Ruiz-Agudo, J Elsen, D Van Gemert, ...
Journal of Materials Science 47 (16), 6151-6165, 2012
Autorizações: Research Foundation (Flanders), Government of Spain
Understanding the carbonation of concrete with supplementary cementitious materials: a critical review by RILEM TC 281-CCC
S von Greve-Dierfeld, B Lothenbach, A Vollpracht, B Wu, B Huet, ...
Materials and structures 53 (6), 136, 2020
Autorizações: US National Science Foundation, Research Foundation (Flanders), National …
Reactivity tests for supplementary cementitious materials: RILEM TC 267-TRM phase 1
X Li, R Snellings, M Antoni, NM Alderete, M Ben Haha, S Bishnoi, Ö Cizer, ...
Materials and Structures 51, 1-14, 2018
Autorizações: National Natural Science Foundation of China, Slovenian Research Agency
Formation of amorphous calcium carbonate and its transformation into mesostructured calcite
C Rodriguez-Navarro, K Kudłacz, Ö Cizer, E Ruiz-Agudo
CrystEngComm 17 (1), 58-72, 2015
Autorizações: Research Foundation (Flanders), Government of Spain
Effect of mechanical activation on the hydraulic properties of stainless steel slags
L Kriskova, Y Pontikes, Ö Cizer, G Mertens, W Veulemans, D Geysen, ...
Cement and Concrete Research 42 (6), 778-788, 2012
Autorizações: Research Foundation (Flanders)
Report of TC 238-SCM: hydration stoppage methods for phase assemblage studies of blended cements—results of a round robin test
R Snellings, J Chwast, Ö Cizer, N De Belie, Y Dhandapani, P Durdzinski, ...
Materials and structures 51, 1-12, 2018
Autorizações: Research Foundation (Flanders)
Early age hydration and pozzolanic reaction in natural zeolite blended cements: Reaction kinetics and products by in situ synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction
R Snellings, G Mertens, Ö Cizer, J Elsen
Cement and Concrete Research 40 (12), 1704-1713, 2010
Autorizações: Research Foundation (Flanders)
Influence of mechanical and chemical activation on the hydraulic properties of gamma dicalcium silicate
L Kriskova, Y Pontikes, F Zhang, Ö Cizer, PT Jones, K Van Balen, ...
Cement and Concrete Research 55, 59-68, 2014
Autorizações: Research Foundation (Flanders)
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