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Kyohei OtsuJet Propulsion LaboratoryEmail confirmado em jpl.nasa.gov
David D. FanCTO, Field AI, Inc.Email confirmado em fieldai.com
Benjamin MorrellNASA Jet Propulsion LaboratoryEmail confirmado em jpl.nasa.gov
Suman ChakravortyTexas A&M UniversityEmail confirmado em tamu.edu
George NikolakopoulosChair Professor Robotics and Artificial IntelligenceEmail confirmado em upatras.gr
Nancy M. AmatoAbel Bliss Professor and Head, Computer Science, University of IllinoisEmail confirmado em illinois.edu
Sung-Kyun KimNASA Jet Propulsion Laboratoy, CaltechEmail confirmado em jpl.nasa.gov
Shayegan OmidshafieiChief Scientist at Field AI (previously: Google DeepMind, Google Research, MIT)Email confirmado em google.com
Jonathan P. HowRichard C. Maclaurin Professor of Aerospace Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyEmail confirmado em mit.edu
Luca CarloneAssociate Professor, Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyEmail confirmado em mit.edu
Brett T. LopezAssistant Professor of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering UCLAEmail confirmado em ucla.edu
Christopher AmatoAssociate Professor at Northeastern UniversityEmail confirmado em ccs.neu.edu
Evangelos TheodorouGeorgia Institute of Technology & Amazon SEASEmail confirmado em ae.gatech.edu
Mykel J. KochenderferAssociate Professor, Stanford UniversityEmail confirmado em stanford.edu
Gaurav SukhatmeProfessor, Departments of CS and ECE, USCEmail confirmado em usc.edu
Karol HausmanPhysical Intelligence, StanfordEmail confirmado em physicalintelligence.company
Marco PavoneStanford University and NVIDIAEmail confirmado em stanford.edu
Sebastian SchererAssociate Research Professor, Carnegie Mellon UniversityEmail confirmado em andrew.cmu.edu
David Hyunchul ShimProfessor, School of Electrical Engineering, Director, Korea RPAS Research Center, KAISTEmail confirmado em kaist.ac.kr
John LeonardProfessor of Mechanical and Ocean Engineering, MITEmail confirmado em mit.edu
Ali Agha
Outros nomesAli-akbar Agha-mohammadi
Field AI; formerly: NASA-JPL; Caltech; MIT
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