Ocean convergence and the dispersion of flotsam EA D’Asaro, AY Shcherbina, JM Klymak, J Molemaker, G Novelli, ... Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (6), 1162-1167, 2018 | 282 | 2018 |
Submesoscale dispersion in the vicinity of the Deepwater Horizon spill AC Poje, TM Özgökmen, BL Lipphardt Jr, BK Haus, EH Ryan, AC Haza, ... Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (35), 12693-12698, 2014 | 276 | 2014 |
A search for chaotic behavior in large and mesoscale motions in the Pacific Ocean AR Osborne, AD Kirwan Jr, A Provenzale, L Bergamasco Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 23 (1-3), 75-83, 1986 | 141 | 1986 |
Calculations of differential kinematic properties from Lagrangian observations in the western Caribbean Sea R Molinari, AD Kirwan Jr Journal of Physical Oceanography 5 (3), 483-491, 1975 | 133 | 1975 |
Drifter motion in the Gulf of Mexico constrained by altimetric Lagrangian coherent structures MJ Olascoaga, FJ Beron‐Vera, G Haller, J Trinanes, M Iskandarani, ... Geophysical Research Letters 40 (23), 6171-6175, 2013 | 122 | 2013 |
Fractal drifter trajectories in the Kuroshio extension AR Osborne, AD Kirwan Jr, A Provenzale, L Bergamasco Tellus A 41 (5), 416-435, 1989 | 119 | 1989 |
The near-surface circulation of the eastern North Pacific AD Kirwan Jr, GJ McNally, E Reyna, WJ Merrell Jr Journal of Physical Oceanography 8 (6), 937-945, 1978 | 102 | 1978 |
Blending HF radar and model velocities in Monterey Bay through normal mode analysis BL Lipphardt Jr, AD Kirwan Jr, CE Grosch, JK Lewis, JD Paduan Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 105 (C2), 3425-3450, 2000 | 94 | 2000 |
Chlorophyll dispersal by eddy‐eddy interactions in the Gulf of Mexico M Toner, AD Kirwan Jr, AC Poje, LH Kantha, FE Müller‐Karger, C Jones Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 108 (C4), 2003 | 93 | 2003 |
The near‐surface circulation of the North Pacific using satellite tracked drifting buoys GJ McNally, WC Patzert, AD Kirwan Jr, AC Vastano Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 88 (C12), 7507-7518, 1983 | 88 | 1983 |
Lagrangian analysis and prediction of coastal and ocean dynamics A Griffa, AD Kirwan Jr, AJ Mariano, T Özgökmen, HT Rossby Cambridge University Press, 2007 | 87 | 2007 |
The effect of wind and surface currents on drifters AD Kirwan Jr, G McNally, MS Chang, R Molinari Journal of Physical Oceanography 5 (2), 361-368, 1975 | 82 | 1975 |
Observed and simulated kinematic properties of Loop Current rings AD Kirwan Jr, JK Lewis, AW Indest, P Reinersman, I Quintero Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 93 (C2), 1189-1198, 1988 | 78 | 1988 |
Evolution of a warm‐core ring in the Gulf of Mexico: Lagrangian observations JK Lewis, AD Kirwan Jr, GZ Forristall Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 94 (C6), 8163-8178, 1989 | 76 | 1989 |
Lagrangian observations of an anticyclonic ring in the western Gulf of Mexico AD Kirwan Jr, WJ Merrell Jr, JK Lewis, RE Whitaker Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 89 (C3), 3417-3424, 1984 | 75 | 1984 |
Genesis of a Gulf of Mexico ring as determined from kinematic analyses JK Lewis, AD Kirwan Jr Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 92 (C11), 11727-11740, 1987 | 68 | 1987 |
Clusters, deformation, and dilation: Diagnostics for material accumulation regions HS Huntley, BL Lipphardt Jr, G Jacobs, AD Kirwan Jr Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 120 (10), 6622-6636, 2015 | 67 | 2015 |
A model for the analysis of drifter data with an application to a warm core ring in the Gulf of Mexico AD Kirwan Jr, WJ Merrell Jr, JK Lewis, RE Whitaker, R Legeckis Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 89 (C3), 3425-3438, 1984 | 63 | 1984 |
Data assimilation considerations for improved ocean predictability during the Gulf of Mexico Grand Lagrangian Deployment (GLAD) GA Jacobs, BP Bartels, DJ Bogucki, FJ Beron-Vera, SS Chen, EF Coelho, ... Ocean Modelling 83, 98-117, 2014 | 61 | 2014 |
Some observations of ring topography and ring‐ring interactions in the Gulf of Mexico JK Lewis, AD Kirwan Jr Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 90 (C5), 9017-9028, 1985 | 56 | 1985 |