Raghuram Chetty
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PtRu nanoparticles supported on nitrogen-doped multiwalled carbon nanotubes as catalyst for methanol electrooxidation
R Chetty, S Kundu, W Xia, M Bron, W Schuhmann, V Chirila, W Brandl, ...
Electrochimica Acta 54 (17), 4208-4215, 2009
Effect of reduction temperature on the preparation and characterization of Pt− Ru nanoparticles on multiwalled carbon nanotubes
R Chetty, W Xia, S Kundu, M Bron, T Reinecke, W Schuhmann, M Muhler
Langmuir 25 (6), 3853-3860, 2009
Effect of crystal structure and grain size on corrosion properties of AlCoCrFeNi high entropy alloy
A Parakh, M Vaidya, N Kumar, R Chetty, BS Murty
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 863, 158056, 2021
Effect of ZnO morphology on GO-ZnO modified polyamide reverse osmosis membranes for desalination
R Rajakumaran, V Boddu, M Kumar, MS Shalaby, H Abdallah, R Chetty
Desalination 467, 245-256, 2019
Direct ethanol fuel cells with catalysed metal mesh anodes
R Chetty, K Scott
Electrochimica Acta 52 (12), 4073-4081, 2007
Electrochemical reduction of carbon dioxide on zinc-modified copper electrodes
G Keerthiga, R Chetty
Journal of The Electrochemical Society 164 (4), H164, 2017
Morphological effect of ZnO nanostructures on desalination performance and antibacterial activity of thin-film nanocomposite (TFN) membrane
R Rajakumaran, M Kumar, R Chetty
Desalination 495, 114673, 2020
Effect of pyrolysis temperature on cobalt phthalocyanine supported on carbon nanotubes for oxygen reduction reaction
LN Ramavathu, KK Maniam, K Gopalram, R Chetty
Journal of Applied Electrochemistry 42, 945-951, 2012
Electrochemical reduction of CO2 on electrodeposited Cu electrodes crystalline phase sensitivity on selectivity
G Keerthiga, B Viswanathan, R Chetty
Catalysis Today 245, 68-73, 2015
Fundamental and applied studies on the electrochemical hydrodehalogenation of halogenated phenols at a palladised titanium electrode
R Chetty, PA Christensen, BT Golding, K Scott
Applied Catalysis A: General 271 (1-2), 185-194, 2004
Electrochemical reduction of hexavalent chromium on titania nanotubes with urea as an anolyte additive
S Sriram, IM Nambi, R Chetty
Electrochimica Acta 284, 427-435, 2018
Catalysed titanium mesh electrodes for ethylene glycol fuel cells
R Chetty, K Scott
Journal of applied electrochemistry 37, 1077-1084, 2007
Synthesis and evaluation of carbon nanotubes supported silver catalyst for alkaline fuel cell
A Fazil, R Chetty
Electroanalysis 26 (11), 2380-2387, 2014
Characterisation of thermally deposited platinum and palladium catalysts for direct formic acid fuel cells
R Chetty, K Scott
Journal of New Materials for Electrochemical Systems 10 (3), 135, 2007
Low-nickel austenitic stainless steel as an alternative to 316L bipolar plate for proton exchange membrane fuel cells
S Rajasekar, R Chetty, L Neelakantan
international journal of hydrogen energy 40 (36), 12413-12423, 2015
Enhanced nitrate reduction with copper phthalocyanine-coated carbon nanotubes in a solid polymer electrolyte reactor
KS Rajmohan, R Chetty
Journal of Applied Electrochemistry 47, 63-74, 2017
Dimethoxymethane and trimethoxymethane as alternative fuels for fuel cells
R Chetty, K Scott
Journal of Power Sources 173 (1), 166-171, 2007
Electrodeposition of dendritic palladium nanostructures on carbon support for direct formic acid fuel cells
KK Maniam, V Muthukumar, R Chetty
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 41 (41), 18602-18609, 2016
Electrodeposited bimetallic (PtPd, PtRu, PtSn) catalysts on titanium support for methanol oxidation in direct methanol fuel cells
BG Abraham, R Bhaskaran, R Chetty
Journal of the Electrochemical Society 167 (2), 024512, 2020
Electrocatalytic performance of palladium dendrites deposited on titania nanotubes for formic acid oxidation
BG Abraham, KK Maniam, A Kuniyil, R Chetty
Fuel Cells 16 (5), 656-661, 2016
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