Bruce Prideaux
Bruce Prideaux
Professor of Tourism
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The role of the transport system in destination development
B Prideaux
Tourism management 21 (1), 53-63, 2000
Events in Indonesia: Exploring the limits to formal tourism trends forecasting methods in complex crisis situations.
B Prideaux, E Laws, B Faulkner
Crisis management in tourism, 353-374, 2007
Marketing implications arising from a comparative study of international pleasure tourist motivations and other travel-related characteristics of visitors to Korea
SS Kim, B Prideaux
Tourism management 26 (3), 347-357, 2005
Achieving voluntary reductions in the carbon footprint of tourism and climate change
B McKercher, B Prideaux, C Cheung, R Law
Journal of sustainable tourism 18 (3), 297-317, 2010
Lessons from COVID-19 can prepare global tourism for the economic transformation needed to combat climate change
B Prideaux, M Thompson, A Pabel
Tourism Geographies 22 (3), 667-678, 2020
Marketing and destination growth: A symbiotic relationship or simple coincidence?
B Prideaux, C Cooper
Journal of vacation marketing 9 (1), 35-51, 2003
The resort development spectrum—a new approach to modeling resort development
B Prideaux
Tourism management 21 (3), 225-240, 2000
Crisis management: A suggested typology
E Laws, B Prideaux
Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing 19 (2-3), 1-8, 2006
Factors affecting bilateral tourism flows
B Prideaux
Annals of Tourism Research 32 (3), 780-801, 2005
Tourism crises and marketing recovery strategies
N Scott, E Laws, B Prideaux
Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing 23 (2-4), 1-13, 2008
Indigenous ecotourism in the Mayan rainforest of Palenque: empowerment issues in sustainable development
AM Ramos, B Prideaux
Journal of sustainable tourism 22 (3), 461-479, 2014
Understanding tourists’ perceptions of distance: A key to reducing the environmental impacts of tourism mobility
GR Larsen, JW Guiver
Journal of Sustainable Tourism 21 (7), 968-981, 2013
Effect of celebrity endorsement on tourists’ perception of corporate image, corporate credibility and corporate loyalty
SS Kim, J Lee, B Prideaux
International Journal of Hospitality Management 37, 131-145, 2014
Crisis management in tourism: challenges for managers and researchers.
E Laws, B Prideaux, K Chon
Crisis management in tourism, 1-12, 2007
An alternative approach to community-based ecotourism: A bottom-up locally initiated non-monetised project in Papua New Guinea
H Sakata, B Prideaux
Journal of Sustainable Tourism 21 (6), 880-899, 2013
Implications of population ageing for the development of tourism products and destinations
P Glover, B Prideaux
Journal of Vacation Marketing 15 (1), 25-37, 2009
Culture and vacation satisfaction: A study of Taiwanese tourists in South East Queensland
H Master, B Prideaux
Tourism Management 21 (5), 445-449, 2000
A typology of solo independent women travellers
KE McNamara, B Prideaux
International Journal of Tourism Research 12 (3), 253-264, 2010
Building visitor attractions in peripheral areas—Can uniqueness overcome isolation to produce viability?
B Prideaux
International Journal of Tourism Research 4 (5), 379-389, 2002
The need to use disaster planning frameworks to respond to major tourism disasters: Analysis of Australia's response to tourism disasters in 2001
B Prideaux
Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing 15 (4), 281-298, 2004
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Artigos 1–20