Dmitrií A. Sadovskií
Dmitrií A. Sadovskií
Professor, Département de physique, Université du Littoral Côte d'Opale, Dunkerque, France
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Monodromy, diabolic points, and angular momentum coupling
DA Sadovskiı, BI Zĥilinskiı́
Physics Letters A 256 (4), 235-244, 1999
Monodromy in the hydrogen atom in crossed fields
RH Cushman, DA Sadovskiı
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 142 (1-2), 166-196, 2000
Molecule as a Quantum Realization of the Resonant Swing-Spring with Monodromy
RH Cushman, HR Dullin, A Giacobbe, DD Holm, M Joyeux, P Lynch, ...
Physical review letters 93 (2), 024302, 2004
Fractional hamiltonian monodromy
NN Nekhoroshev, DA Sadovskií, BI Zhilinskií
Annales Henri Poincaré 7 (6), 1099-1211, 2006
Global bending quantum number and the absence of monodromy in the molecule
K Efstathiou, M Joyeux, DA Sadovskii
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 69 (3), 032504, 2004
Qualitative analysis of vibration-rotation Hamiltonians for spherical top molecules
DA Sadovskii, BI Zhilinskii
Molecular Physics 65 (1), 109-128, 1988
On the dynamical meaning of the diabolic points
VB Pavlov-Verevkin, DA Sadovskii, BI Zhilinskii
Europhysics Letters 6 (7), 573, 1988
Fractional monodromy of resonant classical and quantum oscillators
NN Nekhoroshev, DA Sadovskiı́, BI Zhilinskii
Comptes Rendus. Mathématique 335 (11), 985-988, 2002
Monodromy in perturbed Kepler systems: Hydrogen atom in crossed fields
RH Cushman, DA Sadovskii
EPL (Europhysics Letters) 47 (1), 1, 1999
Manifestation of bifurcations and diabolic points in molecular energy spectra
DA Sadovskii, BI Zhilinskii, JP Champion, G Pierre
The Journal of chemical physics 92 (3), 1523-1537, 1990
Hamiltonian systems with detuned 1:1:2 resonance: Manifestation of "bidromy"
DA Sadovskií, BI Zhilinskií
Annals of physics 322 (1), 164-200, 2007
Monodromy of the quantum 1: 1: 2 resonant swing spring
A Giacobbe, RH Cushman, DA Sadovskií, BI Zhilinskií
Journal of mathematical physics 45 (12), 5076-5100, 2004
Monodromy of the LiNC/NCLi molecule
M Joyeux, DA Sadovskiı, J Tennyson
Chemical physics letters 382 (3-4), 439-442, 2003
Monodromy as topological obstruction to global action-angle variables in systems with coupled angular momenta and rearrangement of bands in quantum spectra
L Grondin, DA Sadovskii, BI Zhilinskii
Physical Review A 65 (1), 012105, 2001
Group-theoretical and topological analysis of localized rotation-vibration states
DA Sadovskii, BI Zhilinskii
Physical Review A 47 (4), 2653, 1993
Fractional monodromy in the 1:− 2 resonance
K Efstathiou, RH Cushman, DA Sadovskií
Advances in Mathematics 209 (1), 241-273, 2007
Hamiltonian Hopf bifurcation of the hydrogen atom in crossed fields
K Efstathiou, RH Cushman, DA Sadovskiı
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 194 (3-4), 250-274, 2004
Bifurcation of the periodic orbits of hamiltonian systems: An analysis using normal form theory
DA Sadovskii, JB Delos
Physical Review E 54 (2), 2033, 1996
Normalization and global analysis of perturbations of the hydrogen atom
K Efstathiou, DA Sadovskii
Reviews of Modern Physics 82 (3), 2099-2154, 2010
Counting levels within vibrational polyads: Generating function approach
DA Sadovskii, BI Zhilinskii
The Journal of chemical physics 103 (24), 10520-10536, 1995
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