Unan Yusmaniar Oktiawati
Unan Yusmaniar Oktiawati
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Analisis Akurasi Sistem sensor DHT22 berbasis Arduino terhadap Thermohygrometer Standar
F Puspasari, TP Satya, UY Oktiawati, I Fahrurrozi, H Prisyanti
Jurnal Fisika Dan Aplikasinya 16 (1), 40-45, 2020
The potential of metaverse technology in education as a transformation of learning media in Indonesia
PW Wijayanto, HM Thamrin, A Haetami, S Mustoip, UY Oktiawati
Jurnal Kependidikan: Jurnal Hasil Penelitian dan Kajian Kepustakaan di …, 2023
Beban Kognitif: Extraneous Cognitive Load (ECL) siswa yang dipengaruhi oleh e-Learning Berbasis Google Classroom
E Lolang, F Salsabyla, A Suhud, UY Oktiawati, A Ulimaz
Paedagoria: Jurnal Kajian, Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kependidikan 14 (2 …, 2023
Implementation smart home using internet of things
A Mayub, F Fahmizal, UY Oktiawati, NR Rosyid
TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control) 17 (6 …, 2019
Efektivitas pemanfaatan aplikasi Augmented Reality (AR) dalam pembelajaran di SMA: Sebuah tinjauan sistematis
JW Kuswinardi, A Rachman, MZ Taswin, DH Pitra, UY Oktiawati
Jurnal Review Pendidikan Dan Pengajaran (JRPP) 6 (3), 556-563, 2023
Temperature and humidity monitoring system in broiler poultry farm
IV Paputungan, A Al Faruq, F Puspasari, F Al Hakim, I Fahrurrozi, ...
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 803 (1), 012010, 2020
Preferred online learning method during COVID-19 pandemic: a students’ perspective
AN Permatasari, UY Oktiawati
Parole: Journal of Linguistics and Education 11 (1), 1-9, 2021
Analysis and Implementation of Raspberry Pi Based Wireless Access Point and User Access Notification Using Telegram
NP Pratama, UY Oktiawati
Journal of Internet and Software Engineering 3 (1), 1-11, 0
Metaverse based learning media development
W Setiawan, UY Oktiawati, S Mustoip, I Ichsan, A Setyaningsih
AIP Conference Proceedings 3098 (1), 2024
Blackbox Testing terhadap Prototipe Sistem Monitoring Kualitas Air Berbasis IoT
AN Fathoni, UY Oktiawati
Jurnal Nasional Teknik Elektro dan Teknologi Informasi 10 (4), 362-368, 2021
Motion and Movement Detection for DIY Home Security System
IV Paputungan, MR Al Fitri, UY Oktiawati
2019 IEEE Conference on Sustainable Utilization and Development in …, 2019
Effects of TiO2 electrode thickness on the performance of dye solar cell by simulation
UY Oktiawati, NM Mohamed, ZA Burhanudin
RSM 2013 IEEE Regional Symposium on Micro and Nanoelectronics, 406-409, 2013
Semua Bisa Belajar Arduino
NS Halimah, UY Oktiawati
Penerbit Lindan Bestari, 2021
Applications of Taguchi method for optimization of dye solar cell design
UY Oktiawati, NM Mohamed, ZA Burhanudin
Sains Malaysiana 46 (3), 503-508, 2017
Simulation on the Performance of Dye Solar Cell Incorporated with TiO2 Passivation Layer
UY Oktiawati, NM Mohamed, ZA Burhanudin
International Journal of Photoenergy 2016 (1), 8507625, 2016
Rancang Bangun Kios Minuman dengan Konsep Container Booth Bertenaga Surya
S Suhono, AL Hakim, N Aqmarina, UY Oktiawati, L Subekti, AB Pradana, ...
Jurnal ELTIKOM: Jurnal Teknik Elektro, Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer 6 (1 …, 2022
Implementation and Performance Analysis of Temperature and Humidity Monitoring System for Server Room Conditions on Lora-Based Networks
SZ Effendi, UY Oktiawati
Journal of Internet and Software Engineering 3 (1), 20-25, 2022
Taking up autonomous SOA framework into cloud computing
MAC Bhakti, IV Paputungan, H Nugroho, PT Bhaskoro, UY Oktiawati
2012 International Conference on Cloud Computing and Social Networking …, 2012
Video compression using dual tree complex wavelet transform
UY Oktiawati, VV Yap
2007 International Conference on Intelligent and Advanced Systems, 775-778, 2007
Full state feedback and feed forward control of servo smart window using MATLAB/Simulink
RA Lestari, UY Oktiawati
Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 28 (3 …, 2022
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Artigos 1–20