S. Legene
S. Legene
VU University, Dept. of Art and Culture, History, Antiquity
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De bagage van Blomhoff en van Breugel. Japan, Java, Tripoli en Suriname in de negentiende-eeuwse Nederlandse cultuur van het imperialisme
S Legêne
Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, 1998
Digital hermeneutics: Agora and the online understanding of cultural heritage
C Van Den Akker, S Legêne, M Van Erp, L Aroyo, R Segers, ...
Proceedings of the 3rd International Web Science Conference, 1-7, 2011
BiographyNet: Managing Provenance at Multiple Levels and from Different Perspectives.
N Ockeloen, A Fokkens, S Ter Braake, P Vossen, V De Boer, G Schreiber, ...
LISC@ ISWC, 59-71, 2013
Biographynet: Extracting relations between people and events
A Fokkens, S Ter Braake, N Ockeloen, P Vossen, S Legêne, G Schreiber, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1801.07073, 2018
Spiegelreflex: Culturele sporen van de koloniale verbeelding
S Legêne
Bert Bakker, 2010
Museums in a Digital Culture
C Van den Akker, S Legêne
Amsterdam University Press, 2017
The European Character of the Intellectual History of Dutch Empire.
S Legêne
BMGN: Low Countries Historical Review 132 (2), 2017
BiographyNet: Methodological Issues when NLP supports historical research.
A Fokkens, S Ter Braake, N Ockeloen, P Vossen, S Legêne, G Schreiber
LREC, 3728-3735, 2014
Physical anthropology reconsidered: human remains at the Tropenmuseum
D Duuren, M Ten Kate, S Legêne
Bullefins of the Royal Tropical Insfitute, 2007
Automatic Heritage Metadata Enrichment with Historic Events.
MGJ van Erp, J Oomen, R Segers, CM van den Akker, LM Aroyo, ...
Museums and the Web 2011, 2011
The Netherlands East Indies at the Tropenmuseum. A colonial history
J Van Dijk, S Legêne
Kit Publishers, 2011
Isn’t it all culture?: culture and Dutch development policy in the post-colonial period
S Legêne, E Postel-Coster
Fifty years of Dutch development cooperation 1949-1999, 271-288, 2000
Historical event-based access to museum collections
C Van den Akker, L Aroyo, A Cybulska, M Van Erp, P Gorgels, L Hollink, ...
Applied Artificial Intelligence 25, 2010
Mission interrupted: gender, history and the colonial canon
S Legene, B Waaldijk
Beyond the canon: History for the twenty-first century, 188-204, 2007
Ethische politiek in Nederland: Cultureel burgerschap tussen overheersing, opvoeding en afscheid.
S Legêne, B Waaldijk
Het koloniale beschavingsoffensief. Wegen naar het nieuwe Indië 1890-1950 …, 2009
Photographic playing cards and the colonial metaphor
S Legêne
Photographs objects histories: On the materiality of images, 96-112, 2004
Partij in het verzet
H Galesloot, S Legene
De cpn in de tweede wereldoorlog, 1986
Sites, Bodies and Stories. Imagining Indonesian History
S Legene, B Purwanto, H Schulte Nordholt
NUS Press Singapore, 2015
Decolonizing Borobudur: moral engagements and the fear of loss
M Bloembergen, M Eickhoff
Sites, bodies and stories: Imagining Indonesian history, 33-66, 2015
Enlightenment, empathy, retreat: the cultural heritage of the Ethische Politiek
S Legêne
Colonial collections revisited, 220-245, 2007
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