CMS technical design report for the muon endcap GEM upgrade Cms Collaboration
CMS Technical Design RCERN-LHCC 13, 2015-012, 2015
230 * 2015 Improved short-baseline neutrino oscillation search and energy spectrum measurement with the PROSPECT experiment at HFIR M Andriamirado, AB Balantekin, HR Band, CD Bass, DE Bergeron, ...
Physical Review D 103 (3), 032001, 2021
174 2021 First search for short-baseline neutrino oscillations at HFIR with PROSPECT J Ashenfelter, AB Balantekin, C Baldenegro, HR Band, CD Bass, ...
Physical review letters 121 (25), 251802, 2018
165 2018 The PROSPECT reactor antineutrino experiment J Ashenfelter, AB Balantekin, C Baldenegro, HR Band, CD Bass, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2019
89 2019 Measurement of the Antineutrino Spectrum from Fission at HFIR with PROSPECT J Ashenfelter, AB Balantekin, HR Band, CD Bass, DE Bergeron, D Berish, ...
Physical review letters 122 (25), 251801, 2019
60 2019 Monte Carlo study on the low momentum µ-π identification of the BES EM calorimeter ZG Wang, JG Lü, KL He, ZH An, X Cai, MY Dong, J Fang, T Hu, WJ Liu, ...
Chinese Physics C 33 (10), 2009
56 2009 Fast light of CsI (Na) crystals XL Sun, JG Lü, T Hu, L Zhou, J Cao, YF Wang, L Zhan, BX Yu, X Cai, ...
Chinese Physics C 35 (12), 1130, 2011
50 2011 Attenuation length measurements of a liquid scintillator with LabVIEW and reliability evaluation of the device L Gao, BX Yu, YY Ding, L Zhou, LJ Wen, YG Xie, ZG Wang, X Cai, XL Sun, ...
Chinese Physics C 37 (7), 076001, 2013
47 2013 Study of the THGEM detector with a reflective CsI photocathode HB Liu, YH Zheng, YG Xie, JG Lu, L Zhou, BX Yu, AW Zhang, ZH An, ...
Chinese Physics C 35 (4), 363, 2011
47 2011 Neutron collimator design of neutron radiography based on the BNCT facility XP Yang, BX Yu, YG Li, D Peng, J Lu, GL Zhang, H Zhao, AW Zhang, ...
Chinese Physics C 38 (2), 028201, 2014
46 2014 Experimental study of a THGEM detector with mini-rims AW Zhang, BX Yu, YG Xie, HB Liu, ZH An, ZG Wang, X Cai, XL Sun, F Shi, ...
Chinese Physics C 36 (2), 142, 2012
38 2012 Performance of a segmented 6Li-loaded liquid scintillator detector for the PROSPECT experiment J Ashenfelter, AB Balantekin, HR Band, CD Bass, DE Bergeron, D Berish, ...
Journal of Instrumentation 13 (06), P06023, 2018
37 2018 Design and implementation of the new scintillation light detection system of ICARUS T600 B Ali-Mohammadzadeh, M Babicz, W Badgett, L Bagby, V Bellini, ...
Journal of Instrumentation 15 (10), T10007, 2020
36 2020 Lithium-loaded liquid scintillator production for the PROSPECT experiment J Ashenfelter, AB Balantekin, HR Band, CD Bass, DE Bergeron, D Berish, ...
Journal of Instrumentation 14 (03), P03026, 2019
33 2019 Luminosity monitoring and calibration of BLM Z Xue, ZZ Xu, XL Wang, T Hu, ZY Wang, CD Fu, WB Yan, JG Lü, L Zhou, ...
Chinese Physics C 35 (1), 1, 2011
33 2011 Comparative studies of silicon photomultipliers and traditional vacuum photomultiplier tubes F Shi, JG Lü, H Lu, HY Wang, T Hu, L Zhou, X Cai, LJ Sun, BX Yu, J Fang, ...
Chinese Physics C 35 (1), 50, 2011
28 2011 Performance of MPPC at low temperature ZH An, JG Lü, F Shi, T Hu, X Cai, BX Yu, J Fang, YG Xie, ZG Wang, Z Xue, ...
Chinese Physics C 36 (7), 633, 2012
27 2012 U Qi-Wen, SUN Li-Jun, GE Yong-Shuai, LIU Ying-Biao, LIU Hong-Bang, ZHENG Yang-Heng, XIE Yi-Gang, HU Tao, ZHOU Li, U Jun-Guang. Performance study of a micro-pattern gas detector … AW ZHANG, YG XIE, BX YU, ZH AN, ZG WANG, X CAI, XL SUN, F SHI, ...
Chinese Physics C 36 (10), 985-990, 2012
27 2012 R&D on a new type of micropattern gaseous detector: The Fast Timing Micropattern detector D Abbaneo, M Abbas, M Abbrescia, M Abi Akl, O Aboamer, D Acosta, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2017
26 2017 Upgrade of the CMS muon system with triple-GEM detectors D Abbaneo, M Abbas, M Abbrescia, AA Abdelalim, M Abi Akl, W Ahmed, ...
Journal of Instrumentation 9 (10), C10036, 2014
26 * 2014