Clare Browne
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The use of scent-detection dogs
C Browne, K Stafford, R Fordham
Irish veterinary journal 59 (2), 97, 2006
Animal olfactory detection of human diseases: Guidelines and systematic review
TL Edwards, CM Browne, A Schoon, C Cox, A Poling
Journal of veterinary behavior 20, 59-73, 2017
The detection and identification of tuatara and gecko scents by dogs
CM Browne, KJ Stafford, RA Fordham
Journal of Veterinary Behavior 10 (6), 496-503, 2015
Delayed reinforcement–does it affect learning?
CM Browne, NJ Starkey, TM Foster, JS McEwan
Journal of Veterinary Behavior: Clinical Applications and Research 8 (4 …, 2013
Timing of reinforcement during dog training
CM Browne, NJ Starkey, TM Foster, JSA McEwan
Examination of the accuracy and applicability of information in popular books on dog training
CM Browne, NJ Starkey, TM Foster, JS McEwan
society & animals 25 (5), 411-435, 2017
Transitioning from training to testing with scent detection animals: Application to lung cancer detection dogs
MA Crawford, JA Perrone, CM Browne, CL Chang, S Hopping, ...
Journal of Veterinary Behavior 55, 23-34, 2022
Influences of indication response requirement and target prevalence on dogs’ performance in a scent-detection task
TL Edwards, C Giezen, CM Browne
Applied Animal Behaviour Science 253, 105657, 2022
The use of dogs to detect New Zealand reptile scents
CM Browne
Massey University, 2005
How low can they go: A comparison between dog (Canis familiaris) and environmental DNA detection of invasive koi carp (Cyprinus rubrofuscus)
MA Collins, CM Browne, TL Edwards, N Ling, GW Tempero, DM Gleeson, ...
Applied Animal Behaviour Science 255, 105729, 2022
Influences of breath sample re-use on the accuracy of lung cancer detection dogs
MA Crawford, CL Chang, S Hopping, CM Browne, TL Edwards
Journal of Breath Research 17 (1), 016001, 2022
The effects of delayed positive reinforcement on learning in dogs
CM Browne
University of Waikato, 2015
The use of dogs in conservation work in New Zealand
K Browne, C. M., & Stafford
New Zealand Veterinary Association Companion Animal Society Newsletter, 2003
Detection rates of long-tailed bats (Chalinolobus tuberculatus) decline in the presence of artificial light
T Schamhart, C Browne, KM Borkin, N Ling, DE Pattemore, GW Tempero
New Zealand Journal of Zoology 51 (2), 200-210, 2024
The impact of predation by South Island Pied Oystercatchers (Haematopus finschi) on a protected shellfish, the toheroa (Paphies ventricosa), in northern New …
L Rynkowski, M Bennion, CM Browne, JF Cockrem, P Ross
Emu-Austral Ornithology 123 (2), 118-128, 2023
Dog training: reinforcement timing and owner body language.
CM Browne, NJ Starkey, TM Foster, JS McEwan
Journal of Veterinary Behavior 9 (6), e17, 2014
Effects of sample preservation techniques on dogs'(Canis familiaris) ability to detect koi carp (Cyprinus rubrofuscus)
MA Collins, CM Browne, TL Edwards, N Ling, GW Tempero
Applied Animal Behaviour Science 273, 106234, 2024
What dog owners read: A review of best-selling books
CM Browne, NJ Starkey, TM Foster, JS McEwan
Journal of Veterinary Behavior: Clinical Applications and Research 8 (4), 2013
Association of Pet Dog Trainers New Zealand Inc
S Londer, C Browne, AMD Life, S Test
Examination of Sample Preservation Techniques on Dogs’(Canis Familiaris) Ability to Detect Koi Carp (Cyprinus Rubrofuscus)
MA Collins, CM Browne, TL Edwards, N Ling, GW Tempero
Available at SSRN 4702801, 0
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