Mark Joslyn
Mark Joslyn
Professor of Political Science, University of Kansas
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Gun policy, opinion, tragedy, and blame attribution: The conditional influence of issue frames
DP Haider‐Markel, MR Joslyn
Journal of Politics 63 (2), 520-543, 2001
Beliefs about the origins of homosexuality and support for gay rights: An empirical test of attribution theory
DP Haider-Markel, MR Joslyn
Public opinion quarterly 72 (2), 291-310, 2008
Cognitive dissonance and post‐decision attitude change in six presidential elections
RK Beasley, MR Joslyn
Political psychology 22 (3), 521-540, 2001
The extensiveness of group membership and social capital: The impact on political tolerance attitudes
A Cigler, MR Joslyn
Political research quarterly 55 (1), 7-25, 2002
Minority group interests and political representation: Gay elected officials in the policy process
DP Haider-Markel, MR Joslyn, CJ Kniss
The Journal of Politics 62 (2), 568-577, 2000
Attributions and the regulation of marriage: Considering the parallels between race and homosexuality
DP Haider-Markel, MR Joslyn
PS: Political Science & Politics 38 (2), 233-239, 2005
Emerging Political Identities? Gun Ownership and Voting in Presidential Elections*
MR Joslyn, DP Haider‐Markel, M Baggs, A Bilbo
Social Science Quarterly 98 (2), 382-396, 2017
The determinants and consequences of accurate beliefs about childhood vaccinations
MR Joslyn, SM Sylvester
American Politics Research 47 (3), 628-649, 2019
Gun ownership and self‐serving attributions for mass shooting tragedies
MR Joslyn, DP Haider‐Markel
Social Science Quarterly 98 (2), 429-442, 2017
Framing effects on personal opinion and perception of public opinion: The cases of physician–assisted suicide and Social Security
MR Joslyn, DP Haider–Markel
Social Science Quarterly 83 (3), 690-706, 2002
Framing the lewinsky affair: Third‐person judgments by scandal frame
MR Joslyn
Political Psychology 24 (4), 829-844, 2003
Who knows best? Education, partisanship, and contested facts
MR Joslyn, DP Haider‐Markel
Politics & Policy 42 (6), 919-947, 2014
The politics of causes: Mass shootings and the cases of the Virginia Tech and Tucson tragedies
MR Joslyn, DP Haider‐Markel
Social Science Quarterly 94 (2), 410-423, 2013
Political persuasion during times of crisis: the effects of education and news media on citizens' factual information about Iraq
MS Johansen, MR Joslyn
Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 85 (3), 591-608, 2008
Trickle up political socialization: The impact of kids voting USA on voter turnout in Kansas
A Linimon, MR Joslyn
State Politics & Policy Quarterly 2 (1), 24-36, 2002
Culture, Segregation, and Tolerance in Urban America*
EB Sharp, MR Joslyn
Social Science Quarterly 89 (3), 573-591, 2008
Sociotropic Concerns and Support for Counterterrorism Policies*
MR Joslyn, DP Haider‐Markel
Social Science Quarterly 88 (2), 306-319, 2007
Perceived causes of obesity, emotions, and attitudes about Discrimination Policy
MR Joslyn, DP Haider-Markel
Social Science & Medicine 223, 97-103, 2019
The Gun Gap: The influence of gun ownership on political behavior and attitudes
MR Joslyn
Oxford University Press, 2020
Attentiveness to television news and opinion change in the fall 1992 presidential campaign
MR Joslyn, S Ceccoli
Political Behavior 18, 141-170, 1996
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