Quantum ring solitons and nonlocal effects in plasma wake field excitations R Fedele, F Tanjia, S De Nicola, D Jovanović, PK Shukla
Physics of Plasmas 19 (10), 2012
21 2012 Nonlocal effects in the self-consistent nonlinear 3D propagation of an ultrastrong, femtosecond laser pulse in plasmas D Jovanović, R Fedele, F Tanjia, S De Nicola, LA Gizzi
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13 2014 Self-modulation of a relativistic charged-particle beam as thermal matter wave envelope R Fedele, D Jovanović, S De Nicola, A Mannan, F Tanjia
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7 2008 Self-modulation of a long externally injected relativistic charged-particle beam in a laser wake field acceleration scheme. A preliminary quantum-like investigation R Fedele, D Jovanović, F Tanjia, S De Nicola
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2014
6 2014 Coherent quantum hollow beam creation in a plasma wakefield accelerator D JOVANOVIĆ, R FEDELE, F TANJIA, S DE NICOLA, M BELIĆ
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6 2013 Quantumlike description of the nonlinear and collective effects on relativistic electron beams in strongly magnetized plasmas F Tanjia, S De Nicola, R Fedele, PK Shukla, D Jovanovic
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6 2011 Self consistent thermal wave model description of the transverse dynamics for relativistic charged particle beams in magnetoactive plasmas R Fedele, F Tanjia, S De Nicola, PK Shukla, D Jovanovic
38th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Strasbourg, France, ISBN 2-914771-68 …, 2011
6 2011 Quantum hydrodynamics for nanoplasmonics G Manfredi, PA Hervieux, F Tanjia
Plasmonics: Design, Materials, Fabrication, Characterization, and …, 2018
5 2018 The quantum plasma lens concept: a preliminary investigation F Tanjia, R Fedele, S De Nicola, D Jovanovic, A Mannan
Journal of Plasma Physics 79 (4), 421-427, 2013
5 2013 Quantum ring soliton formation by strongly nonlocal plasma wake field response to a relativistic electron beam D Jovanović, R Fedele, F Tanjia, S De Nicola, M Belić
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5 2012 Quantum ring soliton formation by strongly nonlocal plasma wake field response to a relativistic electron beam D Jovanovic, R Fedele, F Tanjia, S De Nicola, M Belic
Europhysics Letters 100 (5), 55002, 2012
5 2012 Self consistent nonlinear transverse quantum dynamics of a cold relativistic electron beam in a magnetized plasma R Fedele, F Tanjia, S De Nicola, D Jovanović, PK Shukla
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5 2012 Self-modulated dynamics of a relativistic charged particle beam in plasma wake field excitation T Akhter, R Fedele, S De Nicola, F Tanjia, D Jovanović, A Mannan
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2016
4 2016 Modulational instability analysis of the cylindrical nonlinear von Neumann equation R FEDELE, A MANNAN, F TANJIA, S DE NICOLA, D JOVANOVIĆ, ...
Journal of Plasma Physics, 1-4, 2013
4 2013 Plasmonic breathing modes in molecules--A quantum hydrodynamic approach F Tanjia, J Hurst, PA Hervieux, G Manfredi
Phys. Rev. A 98, 043430, 2018
2 2018 Formation and stability of a hollow electron beam in the presence of a plasma wake field driven by an ultra-short electron bunch F Tanjia, R Fedele, S De Nicola, T Akhter, D Jovanović
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2016
2 2016 Quantum hydrodynamics for nanoplasmonics F Tanjia, G Manfredi, PA Hervieux
Plasmonics: Design, Materials, Fabrication, Characterization, and …, 2018
1 2018