Hatem S. Zurob
Hatem S. Zurob
Professor, Materials Engineering, McMaster University
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Driving force and logic of development of advanced high strength steels for automotive applications
O Bouaziz, H Zurob, M Huang
Steel research international 84 (10), 937-947, 2013
Modeling recrystallization of microalloyed austenite: effect of coupling recovery, precipitation and recrystallization
HS Zurob, CR Hutchinson, Y Brechet, G Purdy
Acta materialia 50 (12), 3077-3094, 2002
Modelling discontinuous dynamic recrystallization using a physically based model for nucleation
DG Cram, HS Zurob, YJM Brechet, CR Hutchinson
Acta Materialia 57 (17), 5218-5228, 2009
Growth of austenite from as-quenched martensite during intercritical annealing in an Fe–0.1 C–3Mn–1.5 Si alloy
R Wei, M Enomoto, R Hadian, HS Zurob, GR Purdy
Acta Materialia 61 (2), 697-707, 2013
A model for the competition of precipitation and recrystallization in deformed austenite
HS Zurob, Y Brechet, G Purdy
Acta materialia 49 (20), 4183-4190, 2001
Effect of chemical composition on work hardening of Fe—Mn—C TWIP steels
O Bouaziz, H Zurob, B Chehab, JD Embury, S Allain, M Huang
Materials Science and Technology 27 (3), 707-709, 2011
Overview of the current issues in austenite to ferrite transformation and the role of migrating interfaces therein for low alloyed steels
M Gouné, F Danoix, J Ågren, Y Bréchet, CR Hutchinson, M Militzer, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: R: Reports 92, 1-38, 2015
The comparative effectiveness of Nb solute and NbC precipitates at impeding grain-boundary motion in Nb steels
CR Hutchinson, HS Zurob, CW Sinclair, YJM Brechet
Scripta Materialia 59 (6), 635-637, 2008
Quantitative criterion for recrystallization nucleation in single-phase alloys: Prediction of critical strains and incubation times
HS Zurob, Y Brechet, J Dunlop
Acta materialia 54 (15), 3983-3990, 2006
Study of the early stages of clustering in Al–Mg–Si alloys using the electrical resistivity measurements
H Seyedrezai, D Grebennikov, P Mascher, HS Zurob
Materials Science and Engineering: A 525 (1-2), 186-191, 2009
Microstructural evolution and strain hardening of Fe–24Mn and Fe–30Mn alloys during tensile deformation
X Liang, JR McDermid, O Bouaziz, X Wang, JD Embury, HS Zurob
Acta Materialia 57 (13), 3978-3988, 2009
A model for the growth of solute clusters based on vacancy trapping
HS Zurob, H Seyedrezai
Scripta Materialia 61 (2), 141-144, 2009
The effect of solute on discontinuous dynamic recrystallization
DG Cram, XY Fang, HS Zurob, YJM Bréchet, CR Hutchinson
Acta materialia 60 (18), 6390-6404, 2012
Superior fracture toughness in a high-strength austenitic steel with heterogeneous lamellar microstructure
G Niu, HS Zurob, RDK Misra, Q Tang, Z Zhang, MT Nguyen, L Wang, ...
Acta Materialia 226, 117642, 2022
A polycrystal plasticity based discontinuous dynamic recrystallization simulation method and its application to copper
G Zhou, Z Li, D Li, Y Peng, HS Zurob, P Wu
International Journal of Plasticity 91, 48-76, 2017
New insights to the effects of ausforming on the bainitic transformation
H Hu, HS Zurob, G Xu, D Embury, GR Purdy
Materials Science and Engineering: A 626, 34-40, 2015
A transition from local equilibrium to paraequilibrium kinetics for ferrite growth in Fe–C–Mn: A possible role of interfacial segregation
HS Zurob, CR Hutchinson, A Béché, GR Purdy, YJM Bréchet
Acta Materialia 56 (10), 2203-2211, 2008
ALEMI: A ten-year history of discussions of alloying-element interactions with migrating interfaces
G Purdy, J Ågren, A Borgenstam, Y Bréchet, M Enomoto, T Furuhara, ...
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 42, 3703-3718, 2011
Additive manufacturing of a novel Ti-Al-V-Fe alloy using selective laser melting
H Azizi, H Zurob, B Bose, SR Ghiaasiaan, X Wang, S Coulson, V Duz, ...
Additive Manufacturing 21, 529-535, 2018
Self-consistent model for planar ferrite growth in Fe-CX alloys
HS Zurob, D Panahi, CR Hutchinson, Y Brechet, GR Purdy
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 44, 3456-3471, 2013
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