Julián David Escobar Atehortúa
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In-situ strengthening of a high strength low alloy steel during Wire and Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM)
TA Rodrigues, VR Duarte, D Tomás, JA Avila, JD Escobar, E Rossinyol, ...
Additive manufacturing 34, 101200, 2020
Effect of heat treatments on 316 stainless steel parts fabricated by wire and arc additive manufacturing: Microstructure and synchrotron X-ray diffraction analysis
TA Rodrigues, JD Escobar, J Shen, VR Duarte, GG Ribamar, JA Avila, ...
Additive Manufacturing 48, 102428, 2021
Austenite reversion kinetics and stability during tempering of an additively manufactured maraging 300 steel
FF Conde, JD Escobar, JP Oliveira, AL Jardini, WW Bose Filho, JA Avila
Additive Manufacturing 29, 100804, 2019
Effect of thermal cycling and aging stages on the microstructure and bending strength of a selective laser melted 300-grade maraging steel
FF Conde, JD Escobar, JP Oliveira, M Béreš, AL Jardini, WW Bose, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: A 758, 192-201, 2019
Improvement of cavitation erosion resistance of a duplex stainless steel through friction stir processing (FSP)
JD Escobar, E Velásquez, TFA Santos, AJ Ramirez, D López
Wear 297 (1-2), 998-1005, 2013
Laser welding of H-phase strengthened Ni-rich NiTi-20Zr high temperature shape memory alloy
JP Oliveira, J Shen, JD Escobar, CAF Salvador, N Schell, N Zhou, ...
Materials & Design 202, 109533, 2021
Austenite reversion kinetics and stability during tempering of a Ti-stabilized supermartensitic stainless steel: Correlative in situ synchrotron x-ray diffraction and dilatometry
JD Escobar, GA Faria, L Wu, JP Oliveira, PR Mei, AJ Ramirez
Acta materialia 138, 92-99, 2017
Compositional analysis on the reverted austenite and tempered martensite in a Ti-stabilized supermartensitic stainless steel: Segregation, partitioning and carbide precipitation
JD Escobar, JD Poplawsky, GA Faria, J Rodriguez, JP Oliveira, ...
Materials & Design 140, 95-105, 2018
Effect of the as-built microstructure on the martensite to austenite transformation in a 18Ni maraging steel after laser-based powder bed fusion
FF Conde, JA Avila, JP Oliveira, N Schell, MF Oliveira, JD Escobar
Additive Manufacturing 46, 102122, 2021
A compilation of experimental data on the mechanical properties and microstructural features of Ti-alloys
CAF Salvador, EL Maia, FH Costa, JD Escobar, JP Oliveira
Scientific data 9 (1), 188, 2022
Fundamentals of isothermal austenite reversion in a Ti-stabilized 12Cr – 6 Ni – 2 Mo super martensitic stainless steel: thermodynamics versus experimental assessments
JD Escobar, GA Faria, L Maia, JP Oliveira, T Boll, S Seils, PR Mei, ...
Acta Materialia 174, 246-259, 2019
Extrusion of unhomogenized castings of 7075 aluminum via ShAPE
T Wang, JE Atehortua, M Song, M Reza-E-Rabby, BS Taysom, ...
Materials & Design 213, 110374, 2022
Meta-equilibrium transition microstructure for maximum austenite stability and minimum hardness in a Ti-stabilized supermartensitic stainless steel
JD Escobar, JP Oliveira, CAF Salvador, GA Faria, JD Poplawsky, ...
Materials & Design 156, 609-621, 2018
Austenite carbon enrichment and decomposition during quenching and tempering of high silicon high carbon bearing steel
GG Ribamar, JD Escobar, AK Da Silva, N Schell, JA Ávila, AS Nishikawa, ...
Acta Materialia 247, 118742, 2023
Tempering of an additively manufactured microsegregated hot-work tool steel: A high-temperature synchrotron X-ray diffraction study
EB Fonseca, JD Escobar, AHG Gabriel, GG Ribamar, T Boll, ESN Lopes
Additive Manufacturing 55, 102812, 2022
Double-step inter-critical tempering of a supermartensitic stainless steel: Evolution of hardness, microstructure and elemental partitioning
JD Escobar, JP Oliveira, CAF Salvador, AP Tschiptschin, PR Mei, ...
Materials Characterization 158, 109994, 2019
Unprecedented electrical performance of friction-extruded copper-graphene composites
B Gwalani, X Li, A Nittala, W Choi, M Reza-E-Rabby, JE Atehortua, ...
Materials & Design 237, 112555, 2024
EBSD-data analysis of an additive manufactured maraging 300 steel submitted to different tempering and aging treatments
FF Conde, GG Ribamar, JD Escobar, AL Jardini, MF Oliveira, JP Oliveira, ...
Materials Characterization 203, 113064, 2023
Response of ferrite, bainite, martensite, and retained austenite to a fire cycle in a fire-resistant steel
JD Escobar, PM Delfino, EA Ariza-Echeverri, FM Carvalho, N Schell, ...
Materials characterization 182, 111567, 2021
Effect of heat treatments on 316 stainless steel parts fabricated by wire and arc additive manufacturing: Microstructure and synchrotron X-ray diffraction analysis, Addit …
TA Rodrigues, JD Escobar, J Shen, VR Duarte, GG Ribamar, JA Avila, ...
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