Dominik Schneider
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Snowmelt rate dictates streamflow
TB Barnhart, NP Molotch, B Livneh, AA Harpold, JF Knowles, D Schneider
Geophysical Research Letters 43 (15), 8006-8016, 2016
Evapotranspiration from a green-roof storm-water control measure
BM Wadzuk, D Schneider, M Feller, RG Traver
Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering 139 (12), 995-1003, 2013
Summer and winter drought drive the initiation and spread of spruce beetle outbreak
SJ Hart, TT Veblen, D Schneider, NP Molotch
Ecology 98 (10), 2698-2707, 2017
Catchment response to bark beetle outbreak and dust-on-snow in the Colorado Rocky Mountains
B Livneh, JS Deems, B Buma, JJ Barsugli, D Schneider, NP Molotch, ...
Journal of Hydrology 523, 196-210, 2015
Real‐time estimation of snow water equivalent in the U pper C olorado R iver B asin using MODIS‐based SWE Reconstructions and SNOTEL data
D Schneider, NP Molotch
Water resources research 52 (10), 7892-7910, 2016
Radionuclide and chemical concentrations in mineral waters at Saratoga Springs, New York
ME Kitto, PP Parekh, MA Torres, D Schneider
Journal of environmental radioactivity 80 (3), 327-339, 2005
Filling in the gaps: Inferring spatially distributed precipitation from gauge observations over complex terrain
B Livneh, JS Deems, D Schneider, JJ Barsugli, NP Molotch
Water Resources Research 50 (11), 8589-8610, 2014
Quantifying evapotranspiration from a green roof analytically
D Schneider
Villanova University, 2011
Comparative analysis of thylakoid protein complexes in state transition mutants nsi and stn7: focus on PSI and LHCII
MM Koskela, A Brünje, A Ivanauskaite, LS Lopez, D Schneider, RA DeTar, ...
Photosynthesis Research 145 (1), 15-30, 2020
Fluctuating light experiments and semi-automated plant phenotyping enabled by self-built growth racks and simple upgrades to the IMAGING-PAM
D Schneider, LS Lopez, M Li, JD Crawford, H Kirchhoff, HH Kunz
Plant Methods 15 (1), 156, 2019
Quantifying insect-related forest mortality with the remote sensing of snow
EH Baker, TH Painter, D Schneider, AJH Meddens, JA Hicke, NP Molotch
Remote Sensing of Environment 188, 26-36, 2017
Using a weighing lysimeter to determine a crop coefficient for a green roof to predict evapotranspiration with the FAO standardized Penman-Monteith equation
D Schneider, BM Wadzuk, RG Traver
World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2011: Bearing Knowledge for …, 2011
Analysis of topographic controls on depletion curves derived from airborne lidar snow depth data
D Schneider, NP Molotch, JS Deems, TH Painter
Hydrology Research 52 (1), 253-265, 2021
Determination of evapotranspiration in SCM's using a weighing Lysimeter: an experimental approach
J Hickman, D Schneider, BM Wadzuk, RG Traver
World environmental and water resources congress 2010: Challenges of change …, 2010
Estimating relationships between snow water equivalent, snow covered area, and topography to extend the Airborne Snow Observatory dataset
JSD Dominik Schneider, Noah P. Molotch
The Cryosphere Discussions, 2017
An inter-comparison of five snow water equivalent estimation methods in the Sierra Nevada Mountains, California
K Yang, KN Musselman, D Schneider, TH Painter, SA Margulis, K Rittger, ...
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2018, C13I-1241, 2018
Combining remotely-sensed snow water equivalent with in-situ measurements to produce a real-time SWE product
D Schneider, NP Molotch
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2013, C41B-0633, 2013
Summer and winter drought drive the initiation and spread of spruce beetle infestation
SJ Hart, TT Veblen, D Schneider, NP Molotch
2017 ESA Annual Meeting (August 6--11), 2017
Topographic Controls on Depletion Curves Observed from Airborne LiDAR Snow Depth Data
D Schneider, N Molotch
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 6899, 2017
Understanding the Distribution of Snow Using Remotely Sensed Snow Covered Area
D Schneider
University of Colorado at Boulder, 2017
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