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Luis Lorenzo Sanchez-SotoUniversidad Complutense de MadridEmail confirmado em ucm.es
Gerd LeuchsMax Planck Institute for the Science of LightEmail confirmado em mpl.mpg.de
Andrei KlimovUniversidad de GuadalajaraEmail confirmado em cencar.udg.mx
Zdeněk HradilProfessor of Optics, Palacky University OlomoucEmail confirmado em optics.upol.cz
Markus GrasslInternational Centre for Theory of Quantum Technologies (ICTQT) , University GdanskEmail confirmado em ug.edu.pl
Hubert de GuiseLakehead UniversityEmail confirmado em lakeheadu.ca
Andrea AielloMax Planck Institute for the science of lightEmail confirmado em mpl.mpg.de
Robert BoydUniversity of Ottawa and University of RochesterEmail confirmado em optics.rochester.edu
Ebrahim KarimiCanada Research Chair - University of OttawaEmail confirmado em uottawa.ca
Natalia KorolkovaProfessor, University of St. AndrewsEmail confirmado em st-andrews.ac.uk
D.MogilevtsevIPNASBEmail confirmado em ifanbel.bas-net.by
Alexander MikhalychevB. I. Stepanov Institute of Physics, NAS of BelarusEmail confirmado em atomicus.by
girish agarwalTexas A&M University,oklahoma state university, physical research laboratory, university ofEmail confirmado em tamu.edu
Frédéric BouchardResearch Officer, National Research Council of CanadaEmail confirmado em nrc-cnrc.gc.ca
Christoph MarquardtFriedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg and Max Planck Institute for the Science of LightEmail confirmado em mpl.mpg.de
Christian R. MüllerMax Planck Institute for the Science of LightEmail confirmado em mpl.mpg.de