Marco Colnaghi
Marco Colnaghi
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
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The limits of metabolic heredity in protocells
R Nunes Palmeira, M Colnaghi, SA Harrison, A Pomiankowski, N Lane
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 289 (1986), 20221469, 2022
The need for high-quality oocyte mitochondria at extreme ploidy dictates mammalian germline development
M Colnaghi, A Pomiankowski, N Lane
Elife 10, e69344, 2021
Genome expansion in early eukaryotes drove the transition from lateral gene transfer to meiotic sex
M Colnaghi, N Lane, A Pomiankowski
Elife 9, e58873, 2020
Antimicrobial resistance in physiological and potentially pathogenic bacteria isolated in southern italian bats
M Foti, R Grasso, V Fisichella, A Mascetti, M Colnaghi, M Grasso, ...
Animals 13 (6), 966, 2023
Adaptations to infer fitness interdependence promote the evolution of cooperation
M Colnaghi, FP Santos, PAM Van Lange, D Balliet
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120 (50), e2312242120, 2023
Analysis of Eurasian Stone curlew (Burhinus oedicnemus) microbial flora reveals the presence of multi-drug resistant pathogens in agro-pastoral areas of Sicily (Italy)
M Foti, R Grasso, V Fisichella, A Mascetti, MA Zafarana, M Colnaghi, ...
Heliyon 6 (10), 2020
Repeat sequences limit the effectiveness of lateral gene transfer and favored the evolution of meiotic sex in early eukaryotes
M Colnaghi, N Lane, A Pomiankowski
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (35), e2205041119, 2022
Physiological and potentially pathogenic microbial flora in stone curlew (Burhinus oedicnemus), southeastern Sicily
MT Spena, M Foti, V Fisichella, C Piraino, F Sciurba, MA Zafarana, ...
Journal of Wildlife and Biodiversity 4 (3), 24-36, 2020
Cultivable Bacteria associated with the microbiota of Troglophile bats
M Foti, MT Spena, V Fisichella, A Mascetti, M Colnaghi, M Grasso, ...
Animals 12 (19), 2684, 2022
The need for high-quality oocyte mitochondria at extreme ploidy dictates germline development
M Colnaghi, A Pomiankowski, N Lane
bioRxiv, 2020.09. 03.280628, 2020
Power asymmetry destabilizes reciprocal cooperation in social dilemmas
M Colnaghi, FP Santos, PAM Van Lange, D Balliet
bioRxiv, 2024.09. 02.610740, 2024
Repeat sequences limit the effectiveness of LGT and favoured the evolution of meiotic sex in early eukaryotes
M Colnaghi, N Lane, A Pomiankowski
bioRxiv, 2022.03. 22.485314, 2022
The impact of deleterious mutations on the transition to meiotic sex and the structure of the germline
M Colnaghi
UCL (University College London), 2022
Physiological and potentially pathogenic microbial flora in bats
M Foti, MT Spena, V Fisichella, A Mascetti, M Colnaghi, M Grasso, ...
Power Asymmetry Undermines Reciprocal Cooperation in Social Dilemmas
M Colnaghi, FP Santos, PAM Van Lange, D Balliet
Available at SSRN 5056120, 0
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