Suman Nath
Suman Nath
Principal Researcher, Microsoft Research
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Energy-aware server provisioning and load dispatching for connection-intensive internet services.
G Chen, W He, J Liu, S Nath, L Rigas, L Xiao, F Zhao
NSDI 8, 337-350, 2008
Synopsis diffusion for robust aggregation in sensor networks
S Nath, PB Gibbons, S Seshan, Z Anderson
ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks (TOSN) 4 (2), 1-40, 2008
Differentially private aggregation of distributed time-series with transformation and encryption
V Rastogi, S Nath
Proceedings of the 2010 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of …, 2010
Irisnet: An architecture for a worldwide sensor web
PB Gibbons, B Karp, Y Ke, S Nath, S Seshan
IEEE pervasive computing 2 (4), 22-33, 2003
SenseWeb: An Infrastructure for Shared Sensing
A Kansal, S Nath, J Liu, F Zhao
Puma: Programmable ui-automation for large-scale dynamic analysis of mobile apps
S Hao, B Liu, S Nath, WGJ Halfond, R Govindan
Proceedings of the 12th annual international conference on Mobile systems …, 2014
Associating geographic-related information with objects
SK Nath
US Patent 7,698,336, 2010
Tributaries and deltas: Efficient and robust aggregation in sensor network streams
A Manjhi, S Nath, PB Gibbons
Proceedings of the 2005 ACM SIGMOD international conference on Management of …, 2005
Rethinking database algorithms for phase change memory.
S Chen, PB Gibbons, S Nath
Cidr 11, 5th, 2011
FlashDB: Dynamic self-tuning database for NAND flash
S Nath, A Kansal
Proceedings of the 6th international conference on Information processing in …, 2007
ACE: exploiting correlation for energy-efficient and continuous context sensing
S Nath
Proceedings of the 10th international conference on Mobile systems …, 2012
Data management in the worldwide sensor web
M Balazinska, A Deshpande, MJ Franklin, PB Gibbons, J Gray, M Hansen, ...
IEEE Pervasive Computing 6 (2), 30-40, 2007
COLR-Tree: Communication-efficient spatio-temporal indexing for a sensor data web portal
Y Ahmad, S Nath
2008 IEEE 24th International Conference on Data Engineering, 784-793, 2008
Secure card-based transactions using mobile phones or other mobile devices
J Liu, NAB Priyantha, A Kansal, S Nath, D Lymperopoulos, M Goraczko
US Patent App. 13/099,913, 2012
Cache-and-query for wide area sensor databases
A Deshpande, S Nath, PB Gibbons, S Seshan
Proceedings of the 2003 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of …, 2003
Fast approximate correlation for massive time-series data
A Mueen, S Nath, J Liu
Proceedings of the 2010 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of …, 2010
Sensormap for wide-area sensor webs
S Nath, J Liu, F Zhao
Computer 40 (7), 90-93, 2007
DECAF: DEtecting and Characterizing Ad Fraud in Mobile Apps
B Liu, S Nath, R Govindan, J Liu
Usenix NSDI, 2014, 2014
{FlashBlox}: Achieving Both Performance Isolation and Uniform Lifetime for Virtualized {SSDs}
J Huang, A Badam, L Caulfield, S Nath, S Sengupta, B Sharma, ...
15th USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies (FAST 17), 375-390, 2017
Privacy-aware personalization for mobile advertising
M Hardt, S Nath
Proceedings of the 2012 ACM conference on Computer and communications …, 2012
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