Paolo Perego
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Planetary boundaries: Ecological foundations for corporate sustainability.
G Whiteman, B Walker, P Perego
Journal of Management Studies 50 (2), 307-336, 2013
Determinants of the adoption of sustainability assurance statements: An international investigation
A Kolk, P Perego
Business strategy and the environment 19 (3), 182-198, 2010
Multinationals’ accountability on sustainability: The evolution of third-party assurance of sustainability reports
P Perego, A Kolk
Journal of Business Ethics 110 (2), 173-190, 2012
Saying more with less? Disclosure conciseness, completeness and balance in Integrated Reports
G Melloni, A Caglio, P Perego
Journal of Accounting and Public Policy 36 (3), 220-238, 2017
A lot of icing but little cake? Taking integrated reporting forward
P Perego, S Kennedy, G Whiteman
Journal of cleaner production 136, 53-64, 2016
Causes and consequences of choosing different assurance providers: An international study of sustainability reporting
P Perego
International Journal of Management 26 (3), 412-425, 2009
Informational content and assurance of textual disclosures: Evidence on integrated reporting
A Caglio, G Melloni, P Perego
European Accounting Review 29 (1), 55-83, 2020
Aligning performance measurement systems with strategy: The case of environmental strategy
P Perego, F Hartmann
Abacus 45 (4), 397-428, 2009
Sticky cost behaviour: evidence from small and medium sized companies
N Dalla Via, P Perego
Accounting & Finance 53, 753-778, 2014
Sustainable bonuses: Sign of corporate responsibility or window dressing?
A Kolk, P Perego
Journal of Business Ethics 119, 1-15, 2014
The effects of leadership styles and use of performance measures on managerial work-related attitudes
F Hartmann, D Naranjo-Gil, P Perego
European Accounting Review 19 (2), 275-310, 2010
Carbon Accounting: Challenges for Research in Management Control and Performance Measurement
FGH Hartmann, P Perego, A Young
Abacus 49 (4), 539-563, 2013
How accountability type influences information search processes and decision quality
N Dalla Via, P Perego, M Van Rinsum
Accounting, Organizations and Society 75, 79-91, 2019
Relational Effects of Relative Performance Information: The Role of Professional Identity
MD Mahlendorf, F Kleinschmit, P Perego
Accounting, Organizations and Society 39 (5), 331–347, 2014
Determinants of Conflict Minerals Disclosure under the Dodd-Frank Act
N Dalla Via, P Perego
Business Strategy and the Environment 27, 773-788, 2018
Do ‘good governance’codes enhance financial accountability? Evidence from managerial pay in Dutch charities
P Perego, F Verbeeten
Financial Accountability and Management 31 (3), 316–344, 2015
Improving profitability with customer-centric strategies: The case of a mobile content provider
M Bonacchi, P Perego
Strategic Change 20 (7-8), 253-267, 2012
The relative role of firm incentives, auditor specialization, and country factors as antecedents of nonfinancial audit quality
N Dalla Via, P Perego
Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory 39 (3), 75-104, 2020
Social and environmental accounting
A Kolk, P Perego
Wiley Encyclopedia of Management, 1-6, 2015
Environmental management control. An empirical study on the use of environmental performance measures in management control systems
PM Perego
SI: sn, 2005
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