Piet Rietveld

Piet Rietveld

Professor of Transport Economics, VU University
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Citado por 40450
David M. Levinson

David M. Levinson

Professor of Transport, TransportLab, School of Civil Engineering, University of Sydney
Email confirmado em sydney.edu.au
Citado por 22317
Erik T Verhoef

Erik T Verhoef

Professor of Spatial Economics, VU University Amsterdam
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Citado por 15340
Rudra Prakash Pradhan

Rudra Prakash Pradhan

Associate Professor, Vinod Gupta School of Management, IIT Kharagpur
Citado por 10407
Corinne Mulley

Corinne Mulley

Professor of Public Transport, University of Sydney
Email confirmado em sydney.edu.au
Citado por 9736
Roger Vickerman

Roger Vickerman

Professor of European Economics, University of Kent
Email confirmado em kent.ac.uk
Citado por 9163
Henrik Andersson

Henrik Andersson

Toulouse School of Economics
Email confirmado em tse-fr.eu
Citado por 8749
Sergio Jara-Diaz

Sergio Jara-Diaz

Professor of Transport Economics, Universidad de Chile
Email confirmado em ing.uchile.cl
Citado por 8436
Patrick Jochem

Patrick Jochem

German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Email confirmado em dlr.de
Citado por 8059
Xiaowen Fu

Xiaowen Fu

Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Email confirmado em polyu.edu.hk
Citado por 6819
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