Jacob Hörisch
Professor for Sustainability Economics & Management @ Leuphana University Lüneburg
Email confirmado em uni.leuphana.de
Citado por 6818
Lucas Bretschger
Professor of Economics/Resource Economics, ETH ZurichETH Zurich
Email confirmado em ethz.ch
Citado por 3731
Christian U. Becker
College of Business, Colorado State University
Email confirmado em colostate.edu
Citado por 1548
Yudiesky Cancio Díaz
Professor, School of Economics, Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas, Cuba
Email confirmado em uclv.edu.cu
Citado por 312
Kaiyao Wu
Shanghai university of international business and economics
Email confirmado em suibe.edu.cn
Citado por 152