Vineeta Singh
Professor & Head, Department of Statistics, Institute of Social Sciences, Dr. BR Ambedkar
Citado por 11066
Roger Kreuz
Associate Dean and Professor of Psychology, The University of Memphis
Email confirmado em memphis.edu
Citado por 7404
Jacques Savoy
Computer Science Dept., University of Neufchatel
Email confirmado em unine.ch
Citado por 5768
Fotis Jannidis
Professor für Computerphilologie und Neuere Deutsche Literaturgeschichte, Universität …
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Citado por 5236
Maciej Eder
Institute of Polish Language, Polish Academy of Sciences
Email confirmado em ijp.pan.pl
Citado por 2805
Robert J. Valenza
Dengler-Dykema Professor of Mathematics and the Humanities at Claremont McKenna …
Email confirmado em claremontmckenna.edu
Citado por 2500
Christof Schöch
Professor of Digital Humanities, University of Trier, Germany
Email confirmado em uni-trier.de
Citado por 1725

Paramjit Gill
Associate Professor of Statistics, UBC Okanagan
Email confirmado em ubc.ca
Citado por 1031