Jie Yang

Jie Yang

Distinguished Professor in Engineering, School of Engineering, RMIT University
Email confirmado em rmit.edu.au
Citado por 28448
Chien Ming Wang

Chien Ming Wang

Professor of Civil Engineering, The University of Queensland
Email confirmado em uq.edu.au
Citado por 26354
Chuanzeng Zhang

Chuanzeng Zhang

Chair of Structural Mechanics, Department of Civil Engineering, School of Science and …
Email confirmado em uni-siegen.de
Citado por 23101
A R Ingraffea

AR Ingraffea

Dwight C. Baum Professor Emeritus of Engineering, Cornell University
Email confirmado em cornell.edu
Citado por 20642
Norman Jones

Norman Jones

Professor of Engineering, University of Liverpool
Email confirmado em liv.ac.uk
Citado por 20288
Dewey H. Hodges

Dewey H. Hodges

Georgia Institute of Technology
Email confirmado em gatech.edu
Citado por 19323
Paul M Weaver

Paul M Weaver

Bernal Chair in Composite Structures, Uni Limerick; Prof. in Lightweight Structures, Uni …
Email confirmado em ul.ie
Citado por 17509


Professor of Civil Engineering, Grenoble Institute of Technology
Email confirmado em 3sr-grenoble.fr
Citado por 17205
Sergio Pellegrino

Sergio Pellegrino

California Institute of Technology
Email confirmado em caltech.edu
Citado por 16647
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