J. Joseph Cronin Jr.

J. Joseph Cronin Jr.

John R. Kerr Eminent Scholar Chair in Marketing & Innovation Florida State University
Email confirmado em fsu.edu
Citado por 65984
Bilal Ahmad

Bilal Ahmad

Assistant Professor, University of Lahore
Email confirmado em ahs.uol.edu.pk
Citado por 10721
Philip J. Rosenberger III

Philip J. Rosenberger III

University of Newcastle
Email confirmado em newcastle.edu.au
Citado por 4569
Sean Dwyer

Sean Dwyer

Associate Professor, Marketing, Louisiana Tech University
Email confirmado em latech.edu
Citado por 4197
Rory Mulcahy

Rory Mulcahy

University of the Sunshine Coast
Email confirmado em usc.edu.au
Citado por 3218
Christopher R. Moberg

Christopher R. Moberg

Dean, Central Michigan University
Email confirmado em cmich.edu
Citado por 3168
Civilai Leckie

Civilai Leckie

Swinburne University of Technology
Email confirmado em swin.edu.au
Citado por 3122
Gerd Nufer

Gerd Nufer

Professor of Marketing, Retail & Sports Management
Email confirmado em reutlingen-university.de
Citado por 2911
Anil Gupta

Anil Gupta

Professor, University of Jammu (India)
Email confirmado em jammuuniversity.ac.in
Citado por 2733
Yvonne van Everdingen

Yvonne van Everdingen

Professor of Marketing and Innovation, RSM Erasmus University, The Netherlands
Email confirmado em rsm.nl
Citado por 2649
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