Heydar Sadeghi(orcid:0000-0001-6563-9882)

Heydar Sadeghi(orcid:0000-0001-6563-9882)

Professor of Sport Biomechanics and Rehabilitation, Kharazmi University
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Citado por 5867
Giuseppe Vannozzi

Giuseppe Vannozzi

University of Rome "Foro Italico"
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Citado por 4583
⚽🏀🏐 Yair Galily 🎾⚾⛳

⚽🏀🏐 Yair Galily 🎾⚾⛳

Prof. of Behavioural Sciences [PhD, CPsycol.]; Head of SMS Research Lab @Reichman …
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Citado por 4288
Guo Dong Goh

Guo Dong Goh

Senior Research Fellow @ Nanyang Technological University
Email confirmado em e.ntu.edu.sg
Citado por 4248
Antonio Dello Iacono

Antonio Dello Iacono

Division of Sport, Exercise and Health, University of the West of Scotland
Email confirmado em uws.ac.uk
Citado por 3523
Larry Katz

Larry Katz

Professor Emeritus, University of Calgary
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Citado por 3186
Horesh Ben Shitrit

Horesh Ben Shitrit

Vice President of Computer Vision Products at Second Spectrum
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Citado por 925
Roma Irawan

Roma Irawan

Faculty of Sport Science, Univeritas Negeri Padang
Email confirmado em fik.unp.ac.id
Citado por 901


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Citado por 662
Andrea Zignoli

Andrea Zignoli

Fellow researcher, Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Trento
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Citado por 654
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