David Ottaway

David Ottaway

The University of Adelaide
Email confirmado em adelaide.edu.au
Citado por 124677
Николай Васильевич Кулешов

Николай Васильевич Кулешов

Belarusian National Technical University, Belarus
Email confirmado em bntu.by
Citado por 9860
Takashige Omatsu

Takashige Omatsu

Professor, Chiba University; Director, Molecular Chirality Research Center
Email confirmado em faculty.chiba-u.jp
Citado por 7580
Jaroslaw Sotor

Jaroslaw Sotor

Wroclaw University of Science and Technology
Email confirmado em pwr.wroc.pl
Citado por 6578
Baitao Zhang

Baitao Zhang

State Key Lab. of Crystal Materials, Shandong University
Email confirmado em sdu.edu.cn
Citado por 5746
Oleg Pronin

Oleg Pronin

Helmut-Schmidt-University Hamburg
Email confirmado em hsu-hh.de
Citado por 4187
Niklaus Ursus Wetter

Niklaus Ursus Wetter

Senior researcher at IPEN/SP - University of São Paulo
Email confirmado em ipen.br
Citado por 4102
Feng Yang

Feng Yang

Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, CAS
Citado por 3584
Viktor Kisel

Viktor Kisel

Belarus National Technical University, Center for optical materials and technology
Email confirmado em bntu.by
Citado por 3551
Alexander Kir'yanov

Alexander Kir'yanov

Professor of Optical Sciences, Centro de investigaciones en Optica
Email confirmado em cio.mx
Citado por 3460
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