Willie Harris
Professor, Soil and Water Science Department, University of Florida
Email confirmado em ufl.edu
Citado por 16946
David J Lowe
Emeritus Professor, School of Science, University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand
Email confirmado em waikato.ac.nz
Citado por 12956
Former Principal Scientist, NBSSLUP(ICAR), Nagpu r,India; Former Consultant, ICRISAT …
Citado por 7232

Professor GE Ekosse PhD, DTech, FAAS
Clays and Clay Minerals in Africa
Email confirmado em ekosse-claymineralogist.com
Citado por 2350

Chandrika Varadachari
Raman Centre for Applied and Interdisciplinary Sciences & Agtec Innovations Inc
Email confirmado em rcais.res.in
Citado por 1726