Gonneke Stevens

Gonneke Stevens

Professor Interdisciplinary Social Science Utrecht University
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Citado por 7185
Sabine Glock

Sabine Glock

Bergische Universität Wuppertal
Email confirmado em uni-wuppertal.de
Citado por 4119
Alexandra Ursache

Alexandra Ursache

NYU School of Medicine
Email confirmado em nyumc.org
Citado por 3727
Jungeun Olivia Lee

Jungeun Olivia Lee

Associate Professor, University of Southern California
Email confirmado em usc.edu
Citado por 2824
Corrine Knapp

Corrine Knapp

Assistant Professor, University of Wyoming
Email confirmado em uwyo.edu
Citado por 2652
Matt Bradshaw

Matt Bradshaw

Institute for Studies of Religion, Baylor University
Email confirmado em baylor.edu
Citado por 2617
Evelyn C. Law

Evelyn C. Law

National University of Singapore
Email confirmado em nus.edu.sg
Citado por 2614
Cheng Yong Tan

Cheng Yong Tan

The University of Hong Kong
Email confirmado em hku.hk
Citado por 2356
Mindi Thompson

Mindi Thompson

University of Wisconsin Madison
Email confirmado em wisc.edu
Citado por 2294
Ece Demir-Lira

Ece Demir-Lira

Assistant Professor, Department of Psychological & Brain Sciences/Pediatrics, DeLTA …
Email confirmado em uiowa.edu
Citado por 2144
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