Wilhelm Barthlott
University of Bonn, Nees Institute for Biodiversity of Plants
Email confirmado em uni-bonn.de
Citado por 50824
Vladimir Stepanenko
Dr. rer. nat., Coordinator of Microscopy Laboratory
Email confirmado em uni-wuerzburg.de
Citado por 9231

John Villarrubia
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Email confirmado em nist.gov
Citado por 5055
V. Dracopoulos
Foundation for Research & Technology - Hellas (FORTH) / Institute of Chemical …
Email confirmado em iceht.forth.gr
Citado por 4165

Yang Gan (甘阳), PhD, FRSC
Professor of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, China
Email confirmado em hit.edu.cn
Citado por 2992