Jian Lu (吕坚)

Jian Lu (吕坚)

Dean of College of Engineering, Chair Professor, City University of Hong Kong
Email confirmado em cityu.edu.hk
Citado por 49204
Michael B. Prime

Michael B. Prime

Laboratory Fellow, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Email confirmado em lanl.gov
Citado por 15544
Mahmood M. Shokrieh

Mahmood M. Shokrieh

Distinguished Professor, School of Mechanical Engineering, Iran University of Science and …
Email confirmado em iust.ac.ir
Citado por 15383
Andrew Payzant

Andrew Payzant

Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Email confirmado em ornl.gov
Citado por 11664
Dean Deng

Dean Deng

Prof. College of Materials Science & Engineering, Chongqing University
Citado por 8801
Wei Sun

Wei Sun

Emeritus Professor, University of Nottingham
Email confirmado em nottingham.ac.uk
Citado por 8005
Bey Vrancken

Bey Vrancken

KU Leuven
Email confirmado em kuleuven.be
Citado por 6974
Chandan Pandey

Chandan Pandey

Associate Professor
Email confirmado em iitj.ac.in
Citado por 6845
Giovanni Bruno

Giovanni Bruno

BAM, Federal Institute of Materials Research and Testing, Berlin, D;Corning Incorporated; …
Email confirmado em bam.de
Citado por 6454
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