Jianmin Tao

Jianmin Tao

Department of Physics, Temple University
Email confirmado em temple.edu
Citado por 16849
Andrew J. Daley

Andrew J. Daley

Professor of Quantum Physics, University of Oxford
Email confirmado em physics.ox.ac.uk
Citado por 11696
André Eckardt

André Eckardt

TU Berlin, Institute for Theoretical Physics
Email confirmado em tu-berlin.de
Citado por 9022
Wen Wei Ho

Wen Wei Ho

Assistant Professor of Physics, National University of Singapore
Email confirmado em nus.edu.sg
Citado por 5327
Alexej I. Streltsov

Alexej I. Streltsov

Leader of the “Many-Body Theory of Bosons” group at CQD, Heidelberg University
Email confirmado em pci.uni-heidelberg.de
Citado por 4212
Pranjal Bordia

Pranjal Bordia

LMU Munich, MPQ Garching
Email confirmado em physik.uni-muenchen.de
Citado por 4141
Gregory S. Bentsen

Gregory S. Bentsen

Assistant Professor, The College of William & Mary
Email confirmado em wm.edu
Citado por 1578
Pieter W. Claeys

Pieter W. Claeys

Research Group Leader at Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems
Email confirmado em pks.mpg.de
Citado por 1297
Markus Schmitt

Markus Schmitt

Regensburg University / FZ Jülich
Email confirmado em ur.de
Citado por 1092
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