kannan srinivasan
Professor, Carnegie Mellon University
Email confirmado em andrew.cmu.edu
Citado por 15105
Anna Nordström
Professor II, School of Sport Sciences, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø, Norway
Email confirmado em uu.se
Citado por 10016
Amit Bhatnagar
Professor of Marketing & Director of PhD program, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
Email confirmado em uwm.edu
Citado por 5337

Dinesh K. Gauri
Professor of Marketing, University at Buffalo
Email confirmado em buffalo.edu
Citado por 4008
Jon M. Hawes
Professor Emeritus of Marketing, Indiana State University
Email confirmado em indstate.edu
Citado por 3419

Liz McFall
Professor in the Sociology of Markets, University of Edinburgh
Email confirmado em ed.ac.uk
Citado por 2134

Paul Grainge
Associate Professor of Film and Television Studies, University of Nottingham
Email confirmado em nottingham.ac.uk
Citado por 1997
Rendra Widyatama
Ph.D in Communication Business, University of Ahmad Dahlan
Email confirmado em fsbk.uad.ac.id
Citado por 1249