Patrick T. Mather
Dean of Schreyer Honors College, Professor of Chemical Engineering, Penn State …
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Citado por 21289

Donald E. Brooks
Professor of Pathology and Chemistry, University of British Columbia
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Citado por 14697
Sidi A. Bencherif, Ph.D.
Northeastern University, Harvard University - Carnegie Mellon University, NIST
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Citado por 12535
Santosh Aryal
Associate Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, The University of Texas at …
Email confirmado em uttyler.edu
Citado por 10385
Jörg Teßmar
University Hospital of Wuerzburg - Department for functional Materials in Medicine and …
Email confirmado em fmz.uni-wuerzburg.de
Citado por 6836
Marcel POPA
Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iasi
Email confirmado em ch.tuiasi.ro
Citado por 6415