Dr. Satyam Suwas
Professor of Materials Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
Email confirmado em iisc.ac.in
Citado por 15783
Min Song
Professor, State Key Laboratory of Powder Metallurgy, Central South University
Email confirmado em csu.edu.cn
Citado por 14501
Renlong Xin
"Microstructure and Texture Control Lab" at the Chongqing University
Email confirmado em cqu.edu.cn
Citado por 6923
Werner Skrotzki
Professor for Metal Physics, Technische Universität Dresden
Email confirmado em tu-dresden.de
Citado por 6646
Xu-Sheng Yang (楊許生)
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Email confirmado em polyu.edu.hk
Citado por 4214