Justin B. Dimick, MD, MPH
Professor and Chair of Surgery, University of Michigan
Email confirmado em umich.edu
Citado por 40735
De-Cheng Feng
Professor, School of Civil Engineering, Southeast University, China
Email confirmado em seu.edu.cn
Citado por 6744
Bilal Succar
ChangeAgents AEC + BIMe Initiative + assessor.io
Email confirmado em changeagents.com.au
Citado por 5864
Marcos Estellita Lins
Professor of Operational Research, Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro
Email confirmado em uniriotec.br
Citado por 4785
Mark D Shermis
Principal, Performance Assessment Analytics, LLC
Email confirmado em shermis.com
Citado por 4152

Salman Nazir, PhD
Professor in Training and Assessment, University of South-eastern Norway
Email confirmado em usn.no
Citado por 3090