Mostafa Ammar
Regents' Professor and Interim Chair, School of Computer Science, Georgia Tech
Email confirmado em cc.gatech.edu
Citado por 25093
Ahmed Helmy
Assoc. Dean for Research, College of Computing, UNC Charlotte
Email confirmado em charlotte.edu
Citado por 21598
Giuseppe Araniti
Associate Professor of Telecommunications, University Mediterranea of Reggio Calabria
Email confirmado em unirc.it
Citado por 7920

Chung-Ming Huang
National Cheng Kung University
Email confirmado em locust.csie.ncku.edu.tw
Citado por 5305
Michel Kadoch
Professor of Electrical Engineering, Ecole de technologie superieure
Email confirmado em etsmtl.ca
Citado por 4835