Andreas Pyka
Innovation Economics, University of Hohenheim
Email confirmado em uni-hohenheim.de
Citado por 11214
Ulrich Kaiser
Professor of Management, University of Zurich
Email confirmado em business.uzh.ch
Citado por 5107

Knut Koschatzky
Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research
Email confirmado em isi.fraunhofer.de
Citado por 4912
Anne-Laure Mention
Professor, Director of the Global Business Innovation Enabling Impact Platform, RMIT …
Email confirmado em rmit.edu.au
Citado por 4876
Manzoor Ahmad
Southampton Malaysia Business School (SMBS), University of Southampton Malaysia
Email confirmado em soton.ac.uk
Citado por 4444

Catherine Beaudry
Full Professor, Dep. of Mathematics and Industrial Engineering, Polytechnique Montreal
Email confirmado em polymtl.ca
Citado por 3994
Lourdes Moreno Martín
Universidad Complutense de Madrid- GRIPICO
Email confirmado em ucm.es
Citado por 1762