Ian J Fairchild

Ian J Fairchild

Emeritus Professor, University of Birmingham
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Citado por 19813
Mads Huuse

Mads Huuse

University of Manchester
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Citado por 8147
Ian S. Evans

Ian S. Evans

Emeritus Reader, Durham University, England, UK
Email confirmado em durham.ac.uk
Citado por 8121
Richard C. Chiverrell

Richard C. Chiverrell

Professor of Physical Geography at University of Liverpool
Email confirmado em liv.ac.uk
Citado por 4927
Edward L King

Edward L King

Quaternary Geologist
Email confirmado em canada.ca
Citado por 3523
Gerilyn (Lynn) Soreghan

Gerilyn (Lynn) Soreghan

Professor of Geology, University of Oklahoma
Email confirmado em ou.edu
Citado por 2329
Jason Dortch

Jason Dortch

Kentucky Geologic Survey, University of Kentucky
Email confirmado em uky.edu
Citado por 2107
Professor Paul Dunlop

Professor Paul Dunlop

Ulster University
Email confirmado em ulster.ac.uk
Citado por 1894
Christopher M Darvill

Christopher M Darvill

The University of Manchester, UK
Email confirmado em manchester.ac.uk
Citado por 1229
Zhengliang Yu

Zhengliang Yu

Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Email confirmado em itpcas.ac.cn
Citado por 286
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