Matthew C. Smith
Senior Lecturer Geological Sciences, University of Florida
Email confirmado em ufl.edu
Citado por 54653
David Mogk
Professor of Geology, Dept. of Earth Sciences, Montana State University
Email confirmado em montana.edu
Citado por 5317
Len Vacher
Professor, School of Geosciences, University of South Florida
Email confirmado em usf.edu
Citado por 4732

Audrey Rule
Professor of Science Education and Gifted Education, University of Northern Iowa
Email confirmado em uni.edu
Citado por 3964
Steven Semken
Professor, School of Earth & Space Exploration, Arizona State University
Email confirmado em asu.edu
Citado por 3592
Declan G. De Paor
Professor of Geophysics and Planetarium Director, Old Dominion University
Email confirmado em odu.edu
Citado por 3190