Jose Azana
Professor, Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique (INRS), Montreal, QC, Canada
Email confirmado em emt.inrs.ca
Citado por 15176
Filippus Stefanus Roux
National Metrology Institute of South Africa
Email confirmado em nmisa.org
Citado por 4716
Angel S. Sanz
Associate Professor, Department of Optics, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Email confirmado em fis.ucm.es
Citado por 2768

Jeremy Coupland
Professor of Applied Optics, Loughborough University
Email confirmado em lboro.ac.uk
Citado por 2696
Peter John Rodrigo
DTU Electro, Department of Electrical and Photonics Engineering, Technical University of …
Email confirmado em dtu.dk
Citado por 2504
Dr. Hukum Singh
Professor & Head, Department of Applied Sciences, The NorthCap University, Gurugram …
Email confirmado em ncuindia.edu
Citado por 1763
Jaebum Chung
Graduate Student, California Institute of Technology
Email confirmado em caltech.edu
Citado por 1647
Kartik Ayyer
Max Planck Institute for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter
Email confirmado em mpsd.mpg.de
Citado por 1551